Results: 255Comments by: SimonIllyan
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)12/29/22
Can you please add a config to disa...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Can you please add a config to disable the startup message? Thxs! Of course I can, but I don't see why, it's not like it is spamming your chat with excessive verbiage.
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)11/20/22
Is there any way to sort the wayshr...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Is there any way to sort the wayshrines in the Favourites list alphabetically and not just by added date?
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)11/17/22
Re: Reach and Arkthzand Cavern mixed
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Love this addon and can't live without it. Not sure, if it's some localization (german client) error or something else, but when clicking on Reach (Reik) in the "Wayshrine" menu on the right the map of Arkthzand Cavern is shown and clicking on the cavern the map of Reach is shown. Congratulations, you're the first person to rep...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)10/25/22
maybe i'm not understanding the tel...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
maybe i'm not understanding the teleport to random wayshrine on current map, does someone actually need to be on that area and it doesn't work to just pay coin to teleport to a random wayshrine? was kind of hoping it was true RNG. Exactly so. The main purpose of FT is to provide free🤑 travel, which requires someone (a friend...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)09/29/22
Is the slash feature not working? (...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Is the slash feature not working? (Maybe I'm doing it wrong.) I've tried: /ft Sanctuary and /ft Sanctuary Wayshrine and I get the "sorry can't jump" message. I thought it was due to maybe needing to have someone already there, so I picked /ft Bergama, and also got the "error" message. Am I doing something wrong? You can't u...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded08/29/22
Re: Move sections
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Hi, does anybody know how to move the different sections in the bar ? The sections are unlocked and I can grab one, but I can't move it to a different place. Or is this not possible and I have to disable all the sections again and then enable them in the order I want them to be in the bar ? Many thanks Askedal It's a bug...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded08/29/22
Re: Lua Error spam in Cyrodil
Posted By: SimonIllyan
This error just spams. Said over 150 of the same error before I could talk to golden vendor and get out. 2022-08-26T19:10:30.242-06:00 |cff0000Gui Warning: Avoiding anchor cycle from to stack traceback: : in function 'SetAnchor' user:/AddOns/TEB/TEB.lua:1261: in function 'RebuildGadget' g = {texture = "TEB/Images/wc_w...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)08/19/22
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Bug in latest update
Posted By: SimonIllyan
nope. I can still travel there by clicking through the map or by travel to guildmate If you change sorting order from "Level Ascending" to "Zone A-Z", do the missing zones reappear?
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)08/18/22
Re: Re: Re: Bug in latest update
Posted By: SimonIllyan This is the entire DLC zone list shown. I will check for conflicts but I believe only Lost Treasure and Craftstore updated recently (on my list anyway) Is it possible that your ESO+ subscription just run out leaving you without access to DLCs?
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)08/18/22
Re: Bug in latest update
Posted By: SimonIllyan
After the last update, on the wayshrine list, DLC zones from Summerset and up are missing. What do you mean? I see both the zones and the wayshrines in them on the list. EDIT: Sorry, I was trying to embed the screenshot, but for some reason it does not work:
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded07/10/22
Re: little feature request
Posted By: SimonIllyan
First one, the endeavour info for which quests you have to do for the daily or weekly to finish (like "kill tthis or that 5 times"). I'll try to do it, as soon as I have more free time. Second one: Daily Craft Writs. Just an icon for the dailies to know if all are done today or not. Naaah. There's already this great addo...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded06/22/22
Hey I was able to fix the tooltips...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Hey I was able to fix the tooltips not working thanks to Sir Baertram guide. If anyone want to fix it yourself or the author wants to update it, you can add these 3 lines: in the TEB.lua in line number 4729-4731 just below this code :) I found another solution that I am now testing. Unfortunately neither mine or your...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)06/14/22
2.6.7 uploaded
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Version 2.6.7 was uploaded and will be available soon. It fixes a bug preventing jumping to a player in High Isle zone.
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)06/14/22
Not a show stopper by any stretch o...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Not a show stopper by any stretch of the imagination, but PerfectPixel is pretty popular out there. I guess it is, but I don't use it, therefore I cannot reproduce your problem. Have you checked if this happens only with Faster Travel or possibly without it as well?
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)02/14/22
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Version 2.6.5 "St. Valentine's Day 💕" has been uploaded, API bumped for Update 33, so you can use it on Public Test Server right now.
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)02/07/22
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Hi Again - I almost hate to say this, but the minimizing of the ALL button is again broken - worked fine until that patch a week or so ago, not sure what they did but it broke it again. :confused: Yes, the previous fix had its own drawbacks, I am working on a more permanent solution.
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded02/07/22
Is there any chance to make the bar...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Is there any chance to make the bar visually a little closer to Wykkyd Toolbar? That's what I'd been using for years and what I finally decided to abandon few days ago since it's just horribly outdated. It is visually just about perfect though. What I mean is that Wykkyd looks pretty natural and blends pretty nicely in the UI. I am...
File: Auto Category - Revised02/03/22
Posted By: SimonIllyan
There's version 2.34 on GitHub, but here on ESOUI version 2.33 is still the newest, why?
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)01/10/22
Re: Minimizing the zones
Posted By: SimonIllyan
This has been happening now for approx 3 weeks - used to be able to click on ALL which ofc minimizes all the zones & it would stay that way until I logged out If I do that now, its only active for the time I have the window open - so annoying (at least for me). Yes, I inadvertently broke it in 2.6.1 while improving other th...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded01/02/22
Re: Riding Skill
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Hi there, first of all: Great addon, really handy tool. Thanks… I have one request. Would it be possible to have an option to show the riding skill reminder only if not maxed out. Since my main is maxed out in riding I actually don't need that info on him but want to have account-wide settings. So for me it would basicall...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)01/01/22
2.6.1 uploaded
Posted By: SimonIllyan
Version 2.6.1 "Happy New Year" has been uploaded, probably fixing the problem reported by EnigmaniteZ.
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded11/23/21
Re: Performance Impact?
Posted By: SimonIllyan
I have been looking into why my FPS hovers around 138 instead of 144. What I found was that disabling this addon immediately pushed my FPS back north of my 144 target. This is a 4.25% loss. It also makes the game have a kind of micro-stutter of sorts when moving a static object (like a brazier) horizontally across my screen at a mid-...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)11/23/21
was opening map in combat in vvarde...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
was opening map in combat in vvardenfell somewhere and...this happened. was unpleasant since the entire UI got that stupid blur stuck in it. … the section erroring is this code: table.insert(categories, FasterTravel.settings.recentsPosition, -- either 1 or 2 { name = GetString(FASTER_TRAVEL_WAYSHRINES_CATEGORY_RECENT)...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded10/13/21
It's not allowing me to change sett...
Posted By: SimonIllyan
It's not allowing me to change settings... all of the settings just have numerical values that can't be changed, and the drop down menu just shows "PvE Only" or "PvP Only", options of that nature. 1) delete your SavedVariables/TEB.lua (while NOT in the game) 2) update TEB and all its dependencie...
File: The Elder Bar Reloaded09/29/21
Re: Re: kill-counter battlefields
Posted By: SimonIllyan
it seems that the kill-counter not works or not works correct at the battlefields. if i was killed, the counter works. but if im killing others, so it seems, the counter works not or not correct. everytime zero. Yes, the killcounter in PvP works not correct. :eek: I have played an quest for Cyrodiil with a kill statistic from ZOS...