Results: 1678Comments by: votan
File: Votan's Minimap04/08/17
Thanks @Anceane and @Drakanwulf....
Posted By: votan
Thanks @Anceane and @Drakanwulf. If you like to, you could test this version:
File: Votan's Minimap04/07/17
UPDATE: 3 addons use actually LibG...
Posted By: votan
UPDATE: 3 addons use actually LibGPS2 version r11 : Lorebooks, Harvestmap, Awesomeguildstore, and 1 standalone library Libgroupsocket (for use with Jgroup) All have the same version. Votan's minimap call the LibGPS2 function but do not have the lib itself in folder. So apparently is not a an older version problem conflict....
File: Votan's Minimap04/07/17
UPDATE: 3 addons use actually LibG...
Posted By: votan
UPDATE: 3 addons use actually LibGPS2 version r11 : Lorebooks, Harvestmap, Awesomeguildstore, and 1 standalone library Libgroupsocket (for use with Jgroup) All have the same version. Votan's minimap call the LibGPS2 function but do not have the lib itself in folder. So apparently is not a an older version problem conflict....
File: Votan's Minimap04/07/17
I had during last week some trouble...
Posted By: votan
I had during last week some trouble with what i would call refresh pins on World map and mini map together. I did a lot of lorebook and shyshard during that week (mageguild went from 2 to 10) and i noticed some trouble: - 1 - lorebooks and skyshard would not disappear from world map and minimap at the same time, when learned. W...
File: Votan's Minimap04/07/17
Re: Re: Re: LibAsync debug numbers ...
Posted By: votan
Got another stream of LibAsync numbers after doing something ... zoning or logging out and in again. These were in the 12-15 range with 7-9 single digits mixed in. These numbers surprised me because the Tweaks setting was OFF when they popped up. The libSync is active all the time. The tweaks just specify either or not all pins a...
File: Votan's Minimap04/06/17
Re: LibAsync debug numbers ...
Posted By: votan
Got these LibAsync numbers when I loaded the game after doing it right: 10 4 4 2 2 4 Absolute normal values. Do you have HDD or SSD?
File: Votan's Minimap04/06/17
I changed line 73 per your suggesti...
Posted By: votan
I changed line 73 per your suggestion but received no debug popup windows or messages in my Chat window. Do I have to turn something else on to trigger "debug" mode? Thanks to @jacozilla reporting, that it fix that. I still don't get why it does. @Drakanwulf No, you don't have to. Not seeing anything means that file is not execut...
File: Votan's Minimap04/04/17
To be more precise, let me explain...
Posted By: votan
To be more precise, let me explain how it is implemented: for x fps every y frametime in milliseconds a frame must be available. 100 fps ~ 10ms 75 fps ~ 13ms 60 fps ~ 17ms If the frame is not ready within this time, either because of 3D engine or Lua execution, the framerate drops or even freezes. There is an update-handl...
File: Votan's Minimap04/04/17
But those are just opinions based o...
Posted By: votan
But those are just opinions based on my experience with solving race conditions and these opinions are not the only solutions to this not so trivial a problem ... :^) Right. The target framerate was 60fps and this was reported as "heavier" already. A framerate drop to 35fps on every map transision would be reported as a "bug", too....
File: Votan's Minimap04/03/17
update to my bug report below - for...
Posted By: votan
update to my bug report below - for me, found a fix Not sure if this option was there before and never noticed, or new default, whatever - but in votan settings, there is an option that for me was ON by default (I never set it) World Map Tweaks - desc says "enable tweaks to spread CPU load over time" I have a pretty high end...
File: Votan's Improved Quests04/03/17
I wish for a full active quests lis...
Posted By: votan
I wish for a full active quests list when the map isn't zoomed in to a specific zone map. I also wish for the "other zone quests" to show all other zone quests, not only the ones in nearby zones. Last wish, all the quests in quest list having the "show in map" option. Thank you! Yep. I missed that, too.
File: Votan's Minimap04/02/17
Re: Votan's Mini Map Plus
Posted By: votan
Thanks :) Yes, I take a look.
File: Votan's Minimap04/02/17
With version v1.1.2 it is back to t...
Posted By: votan
With version v1.1.2 it is back to the rendering of v1.1.0. But this time with a higher target framerate. I added to debug switch for frame freeze warnings. I recommend to enable this before reporting me lags, so you and I can see a bit more. (Hopefully) :)
File: Votan's Minimap04/02/17
@Akandakalaa Hi. ZOS code mea...
Posted By: votan
@Akandakalaa Hi. ZOS code means, it is not written by me, but build-in. You are playing gamepad mode? Switch to keyboard, move it by dragging the title- or bottom bar and switch back.
File: Votan's Minimap04/02/17
Custom pins (the ZO one not the add...
Posted By: votan
Custom pins (the ZO one not the addons custom pins) dont show up on the minimap. Is this intentional? Anything shown on the map, should be visible on the mini map, as it is the same window. Which pins do you miss??? /edit: @Scootworks was so kind to explain me the problem. It is a PvP thing, right? Like I don't see map icons t...
File: Votan's Minimap04/01/17
Re: Great Work
Posted By: votan
Thank you! I love your addon. If I could suggest one thing to you, it would be to allow dragging the borders of the map so that you could leave the mini map as a rectangle. Currently, it seems you can only have a square mini map. It's about the only reason I still use another mini map. Yeah. Tell that ZOS. Their zoom method assumes...
File: Votan's Minimap03/29/17
Custom pins (the ZO one not the add...
Posted By: votan
Custom pins (the ZO one not the addons custom pins) dont show up on the minimap. Is this intentional? Anything shown on the map, should be visible on the mini map, as it is the same window. Which pins do you miss??? /edit: @Scootworks was so kind to explain me the problem. It is a PvP thing, right?
File: Votan's Minimap03/29/17
Reverted back to... How do you r...
Posted By: votan
Reverted back to... How do you revert to an older version? Download manually, or is there a way to do it in Minion? Older versions can be found in the "Other Files" tab.
File: Votan's Minimap03/26/17
Just installed the update. Did not...
Posted By: votan
Just installed the update. Did not fix the issue. Map elements were/are loading very slowly. EDIT: wanted to add that with just this addon loaded, map items still appear slowly. The items appear as fast as possible to keep framerate. Slow items are a symptome not a cause. On my machine the items appear in less than 1/4 sec. And...
File: Votan's Minimap03/23/17
Thanks for this great addon. I wo...
Posted By: votan
Thanks for this great addon. I would like to report that it looks like the addon got "heavier" causing client performance drop / fps spikes like some other map addons. I don't know if its only me but i noticed that after the last addon update. I hope for a fix (if its not me) because performance is top prio for me when it comes to...
File: Homestead OCD03/19/17
So I tested it but coud not find a...
Posted By: votan
So I tested it but coud not find a way to set a "Precise select furniture" keybind?! :confused: Maybe its not working on german client? It is working with german client. It is in category "Wohn-Editor"
File: Votan's Minimap03/18/17
Not a big thing, just minor improve...
Posted By: votan
Not a big thing, just minor improvement if able whenever some other update happens. The clock option is nice -especially with dual real world v in-game estimate time. But the font or size is very large for my tastes for the real world time. The in-game time next to it is much smaller and I'd prefer if both used same size (or ev...
File: Votan's Minimap03/18/17
Having the same issue others are, I...
Posted By: votan
Having the same issue others are, I cannot move the mini map, it is just stuck in the middle of my screen. I disabled all adds thinking maybe something invisible was over it, but nope. When people are moving it are you using left or right click? And what portion of the map are you clicking on? You are moving the map like any "Window...
File: Votan's Minimap03/15/17
Id Like to throw my 2c in here. My...
Posted By: votan
Id Like to throw my 2c in here. My personal preference would be to allow the zone name to show below the mini map next to the time. I like having my mini map as close to the top edge as possible. Thank you for your consideration. I will check, if the ZOS code allows me to re-arrange the controls without breaking the move and resize.
File: Votan's Minimap03/10/17
Any idea what's causing this to hap...
Posted By: votan
Any idea what's causing this to happen? It doesn't affect every sub-zone map, but sometimes when I enter a sub-zone (like Elden Root or Abah's Landing), the map (and thus MiniMap) freaks out and puts my "location" somewhere else on the map. In this instance, in the middle of the "bay". The sub-zone icons load in their right places th...