Results: 451Comments by: Cardinal05
File: Lights of Meridia04/13/19
Love your addon - great idea; helps...
Posted By: Cardinal05
Love your addon - great idea; helps so much! Can understand Baertram's request for the option of only displaying in-combat. However, please keep the option of displaying out-of-combat also - as I love how it helps find group members while questing/grouping. ...and done! :) <3
File: Lights of Meridia04/13/19
Thanks for the quick login fix, was...
Posted By: Cardinal05
Thanks for the quick login fix, was affected as well :p Keep up the great work, especially on this addon please! Feature request: Let the light of meridia start with an adjustable offset above the player heads (if possible). Currently it just shines through them. * Feature request: Option to only show in combat + maybe a few...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/11/19
Re: Another idea
Posted By: Cardinal05
Hi again. Just tossing you another idea if it's something you might wanna play with. I'm sure you're rather busy so no worries if it takes you some time to reply with even a simple "can't do." But anyway, I was showing someone around my places today, showing them the effects I'd set up and portals and stuff and helping them learn...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/11/19
Hello. Is there currently an option...
Posted By: Cardinal05
Hello. Is there currently an option that when using Relative direction that it follow the camera and not just the direction my character is facing? For example, when I am in first person for precision and have my reticle facing the exact direction I want, then I move an object/group, that it goes in unexpected directions just because...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/11/19
Hello. I am only a couple days in t...
Posted By: Cardinal05
Hello. I am only a couple days in to using EHT and I have a small problem or maybe feature request. So the house I am working on is Amaya Lake Lodge and something about this property is that the orientation of the house and walls is not directly north/south/east/west. I have adjusted the axes so that the grid lines follow the walls b...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/11/19
I'm getting this error after today'...
Posted By: Cardinal05
I'm getting this error after today's update. Hi! Please let me know if this error persists. Sometimes, when add-ons are updated (particularly if they just happen to be in the process of updating while the game is loading add-ons, as in the case of Minion), random errors can occur that will fix t...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/11/19
Re: Re: Re: All my Decorations are gone!
Posted By: Cardinal05
1. If you recently changed your @player name, your data would just need to be moved under the new @player name in the SavedVariables file. If you did change your @player name recently, let me know and I can fix that for you. " No I didn't do that " 2. If you did not gracefully exit the game when you were last working on you...
File: Lights of Meridia04/11/19
Re: Thank You
Posted By: Cardinal05
Thank you for the leader update thingie!:banana::banana: You... are quite welcome! <3 Thank you for the suggestion! :banana:
File: Essential Housing Tools04/09/19
Re: All my Decorations are gone!
Posted By: Cardinal05
I logged into my game and Essential Housing Tools with no instruction or interaction of my own erased EVERYTHING I had set up in my houses. Hours spend altering colors and carefully aligning and setting up gone. I know they are gone because I entered the menu and the PLACED items menu is empty. What happened that caused me to lose al...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/08/19
Thanks for this amazingly useful ad...
Posted By: Cardinal05
Thanks for this amazingly useful addon! :) Got one thing that confuses me though. Nearly every object from the Essential FX collection seems to be rendered in 2D (as in: a flat plane). For some effects this is fine and in fact preferrable, but why are things like rocks, animals, NPCs and items all 2D? Am I missing a setting somewh...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/08/19
Re: feature?
Posted By: Cardinal05
make certain lights auto between in game times Example = "street lights off during daytime in game hours" A great idea and on my To Do List for Triggers! :-) I plan to link it up to EHT's existing /gametime function, so watch for time-based Triggers in future updates. <3
File: Essential Housing Tools04/08/19
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: An Idea
Posted By: Cardinal05
Thanks a ton for clearing that up. One minor suggestion: You might want to put those 4 points (the 3 you answered for me and the 1 asked by omnido) in the description in minion. I have been getting a number of people interested in the addon but the sharing stuff is usually what gets them hung up lol. Thank you for that feedback --...
File: Lights of Meridia04/08/19
Re: Thank You
Posted By: Cardinal05
I really like this addon. I would really appreciate a feature to choose to have the light on ONLY the crown in Cyrodiil. I know you can change the color of the light for the crown but I find I don't need it on the whole group. This addon was a great idea. ty!:banana: Oh -- that's a great idea. Makes sense, really. I'll be sure t...
File: Magic Carpet04/07/19
Oh, I see now! I didn't know there...
Posted By: Cardinal05
Oh, I see now! I didn't know there was a menu and apparently many other options for vehicles. The "On Top of the World" vehicle uses the celestiodrome. Thank you! Hmm.. question, does it still do that if you click the "MC" button to open the Magic Carpet window and then scroll to the carpet that you want and click "Start"? Ma...
File: Magic Carpet04/07/19
This works great but I encountered...
Posted By: Cardinal05
This works great but I encountered a strange thing; instead of using the 3 x High Elf Carpet, Water-Themed that I had laid out; it keeps grabbing my Revolving Celestiodrome from inside my house. It still works perfectly and I only need one item this way but I'm not sure why this is. I even set to use bank items only and lowered di...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/06/19
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: An Idea
Posted By: Cardinal05
That's a great question. The new Share with Guild option actually avoids the use of Chat messaging completely, allowing you to broadcast your FX data to one, two or even all five of your guilds silently without anyone else having to do anything at all. Just by having Essential Housing Tools installed and being online, fellow guil...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/06/19
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: An Idea
Posted By: Cardinal05
Just by having Essential Housing Tools installed and being online, fellow guild members will receive your "Share with Guild" data automatically. I was able to achieve this by sending the data via your Guild Member Note. Hey Cardi, for some of us who use the maximum amount (or close to it) number of permitted characters in our Guild...
File: Lights of Meridia04/06/19
major reason I got this is to see f...
Posted By: Cardinal05
major reason I got this is to see fallen members in dungeons more easily. I seriously can't ever find them. I'd like for this to become compatible with dungeons and trails at least for THAT. So it's not compatible with dungeons so far? Would indeed be great if that were possible. The Lights cannot be shown in Dungeon or Trial z...
File: Lights of Meridia04/06/19
Re: Lights are not at players position
Posted By: Cardinal05
Hi, Greate addon that really help at Cyro or IC. But looks like it works 50/50: - half of time lights are on players, - half of time lights are far away at some other place (i see them at horison when players are around me). Thanks for letting me know, Ryh! I have uploaded version 3 which should address at least some of the...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/03/19
Re: Re: Re: An Idea
Posted By: Cardinal05
That sounds amazing! I've already made the suggestions via in-game /feedback. I hope everyone else will too. I will also try to keep my eyes open for zos streams (only ever actually seen one tho) and try to ask about it in the stream chat if they do a Q&A type thing. Is there a quick and easy way to explain how the guild share thi...
File: Magic Carpet04/03/19
Re: CardiMAN! I am BAACK!
Posted By: Cardinal05
You named a MagicCarpet after one my Toons...I am returning to ESO in time for The Dragons. I have a question because I am getting caught up on all your updates. I am wondering have you been able to create a small file that a person who has all your housing updates can share with a visitor that has never tried Your add-ons to give th...
File: Essential Housing Tools04/01/19
Re: An Idea
Posted By: Cardinal05
So, I finally got around to trying the effects part of the addon. It's nice to have something that looks like a real fog that's not as imperceptible as the mists of hag fen or whatever its called. But, far and away my most favorite part of the effects section so far is portals! Thank you so much for that! It's given me a great id...
File: Essential Housing Tools03/29/19
OMG 141mb?!! Yeap, and growing ....
Posted By: Cardinal05
OMG 141mb?!! Yeap, and growing ...! Essential Housing Tools has been described as a Game within a Game by more than a few players, which I won't argue with. ;-)
File: Essential Housing Tools03/23/19
Would you be able to try this when...
Posted By: Cardinal05
Would you be able to try this when only Essential Housing Tools is enabled but no other addons are on? I would like to confirm that this is happening because of EHT itself. After a lot of trial and error I found the culprit! It was the Screenshot Helper addon. It's been outdated forever and I honestly forgot I had it installed ha...
File: Essential Housing Tools03/23/19
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question about Hide UI
Posted By: Cardinal05
but the label Homeowner label doesn't remember its position? Hmm. Does it remember roughly where you placed it and it just shifts or does it completely snap back to wherever it was before you moved it? It jumps back to what I assume is the new default location - the top left corner of the screen. Also, what happens if you m...