Results: 2Comments by: [email protected]
File: Wykkyd Outfitter11/13/16
Must resummon Pets etc. suggestion: don't replace if it's already the correct skill
Currently, using the outfitter to load up a skill set will replace all slots (sometimes redundantly.) For instance even if the skill set to be loaded has only 1 skill slot different, it will still reload all 10 skill slots.This will always unsummon pets etc. It also may cause warnings from the server if you load too many times quickl...
File: Wykkyd Outfitter08/22/16
suggestion: don't replace if it's already the correct skill
for idx,set in pairs(_addon.ABT.Queue) do if pairIndex == _addon.ABT.Queue.pair then if not set.done then if GetSlotBoundId ( set.slot ) ~= GetSkillAbilityId ( set.skillType, set.skillLine, set.ability ) then SlotSkillAbilityInSlot( set.skillType, set.skillLine, set.ability, set.slot ) end _addon.ABT...