Results: 5Comments by: Hurz
File: Slightly Improved™ Attribute Bars04/12/14
Error with new version
Posted By: Hurz
Right after updating (deleted the old folder, downloaded the new version), i get this error right on the login (and is not dismissalbe):
File: ZAM BuffDisplay04/07/14
No, the buff API only returns long...
Posted By: Hurz
No, the buff API only returns long term buffs now. Basically, that YOU cast. As in, after you cast it, it starts it's own timer and "estimates" how much time should be left. But it's not 100% accurate, and it doesn't take into account short term buffs/debuffs cast by other players. Sounds reasonable ... but also that would be a n...
File: ZAM BuffDisplay04/07/14
No, the buff API only returns long...
Posted By: Hurz
No, the buff API only returns long term buffs now. Basically, anything under 30s will not be displayed. That is not quiet ture, as other mods like Foundry Tactical Combat do show the short debuffs/buffs on player and target. So there must be a way to do it. Maybe you could contact the dev of it and ask?
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)04/02/14
Re: Re: Re: Guild label on target unit frames?
Posted By: Hurz
That's a bummer - I hope they change this, not knowing what guilds are out there participating, etc. defeats the purpose of an MMO really. Tabbards may help down the road, but text would be best. That is exactly why they may not want that to be shown. ;)
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)04/02/14
Is there a way to move the long-tim...
Posted By: Hurz
Is there a way to move the long-time-buffs (as food, drinks, ...) to the player buff area? It is somewho missplaced in the lower right corner where it is at the moment. Besides this litte problem: this mod is realy brilliant.