Results: 9Comments by: xofyarg
File: HarvestMap04/28/14
2.4.2 error
Posted By: xofyarg
Recetnly set this up on my brothers PC, with the save variable file you gave me. 1. SV file has his @ name and in proper fodler 2. he is using 2.4.2 3. Add on shows up in settings list and add on list and loads without errors. 4. His problem, none of the nods show on map. In the settings he has the nodes he wants to b...
File: HarvestMap04/20/14
wanted this to find the orichalcum...
Posted By: xofyarg
wanted this to find the orichalcum ore, but your old file dont have it on the map sadly :( guess its time to hunt them down ^_^ That is why I worked so hard on this to make it work. Esohead needs the Node Names and Node numbers updated and verified. For example this is what Esohead had ] but the name from the nodes I have looted...
File: HarvestMap04/20/14
yeah for me 2.4 wont show any of th...
Posted By: xofyarg
yeah for me 2.4 wont show any of the old nodes or add them, but 2.3.1 will show old and updates new wanted this to find the orichalcum ore, but your old file dont have it on the map sadly :( guess its time to hunt them down ^_^ thanks for all your work and putting up with us ^_^ hope things get solved, again ty for all yo...
File: HarvestMap04/20/14
Awesome :-D going back to 2.3.1 i n...
Posted By: xofyarg
Awesome :-D going back to 2.3.1 i now can see all the nodes from your backup :-D not sure why its not working with 2.4
File: HarvestMap04/19/14
@xofyarg and @AstroCat, The one you...
Posted By: xofyarg
@xofyarg and @AstroCat, The one you sent me is the Program, the one from the Addons folder. I am sorry I was not more specific, I mean the one in your SavedVariables folder. ;) Sorry about that. LOL its ok ^_^ here ya go @xofyarg, I notice your file is 8kb. So there are no...
File: HarvestMap04/19/14
@xofyarg and @AstroCat, The one you...
Posted By: xofyarg
@xofyarg and @AstroCat, The one you sent me is the Program, the one from the Addons folder. I am sorry I was not more specific, I mean the one in your SavedVariables folder. ;) Sorry about that. LOL its ok ^_^ here ya go
File: HarvestMap04/19/14
Posted By: xofyarg yeah same here, im using whatever version you linked me
File: HarvestMap04/19/14
thank you for that update ^_^ that...
Posted By: xofyarg
thank you for that update ^_^ that was fast :-D much appreciated. The link you gave works, the error messages are gone, but the nodes dont show on map :( im using local clock, skyshard by garkin , that is all... and this one too ^_^
File: HarvestMap04/19/14
I just downloaded your add on today...
Posted By: xofyarg
I just downloaded your add on today and when i turn it on i recieve this message, any help to solve this would be much apprecited, keep up the good work btw ^_^