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outbackz 04/06/16 11:36 PM

Clarity 1.0 Released
Have you ever died in combat because the enemy's attack area was hidden or unclear? Have you almost missed a glyph, backpack, or lootable enemy that was hidden by long grass? Then Clarity is for you!

Clarity is a simple Add-On that does 2 things:
  • hides Grass during combat to help make attack patterns easier to dodge
  • lets you set a hotkey to toggle Grass off and on while harvesting nodes
This thread is for feedback, support, and feature suggestions. [Screenshots & Download]

FamaSicura 04/10/16 02:13 PM

this mod needs a button toggle... sometimes you want the grass and sometimes you don't... button toggle and I've got this in my kit.

outbackz 04/10/16 07:55 PM

Toggling Grass Manually

Originally Posted by FamaSicura (Post 26681)
this mod needs a button toggle... sometimes you want the grass and sometimes you don't... button toggle and I've got this in my kit.

Gidday FamaSicura, thank you for the feedback. The add-on already has a keyboard shortcut that you can set to toggle Grass off and on. Or did you mean something else? To set up the Clarity keyboard shortcut:

1. Open the in-game menu (Esc key or Start by default).

2. Select the Controls menu.

3. Scroll down to the Clarity section (near the bottom of the list).

4. Click on Toggle Grass and type a keyboard shortcut.

Circuitous 11/18/16 05:30 PM

Quoting myself from Clarity's comments, maybe it'll be more visible here. :)


Originally Posted by Circuitous
Could you add a libAddonMenu setting to disable the grass toggle during combat? I like having the keybind handy, but I don't mind grass during combat 99% of the time.

Baertram 11/18/16 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Circuitous (Post 28938)
Quoting myself from Clarity's comments, maybe it'll be more visible here. :)

I already started to add LAM in the past and will finish it soon.
Will put your setting in then too.

Check the addon comments, I'll upload a patched version and contact the author so he can use it for his addon if he likes to.

Found it and added your setting to the LAM panel:
Clarity 1.0.4 - With LAM settings (Do not hide gras in combat), localized EN, DE, FR

muenchhausen 01/01/20 10:00 AM

Support continued?
Hi outbackz and Baertram
and a Happy New Year!

I'm wondering if you're still supporting this very useful Addon, because version 1.0.4 with LAM has never been "officially" released and stopped working anyway due to a change in the handling of SavedVariables (I suppose).

Is there any chance someone will continue this project?

Baertram 01/01/20 05:00 PM

Happy new year as well!

Hm, for me it still works fine. Keybidn works and grass off in combat as well.
You just need to remove the embedded folder "libs" totally so it does not load the outdated LAM version anymore.

Should be simple to fix.
Will upload a new version link here stripping the embedded hardcoded libraries and LiBStub usage for LAM.

Clarity 1.0.5 - With LAM settings but not included LibAddonMenu-2.0 library (please install it seperately!), localized EN, DE, FR

Phuein 01/02/20 12:34 AM

Cool addon idea gj

muenchhausen 11/29/20 05:52 AM


Originally Posted by muenchhausen (Post 39921)
Is there any chance someone will continue this project?

Sorry to repeat my question, but Clarity ceased to function, because GRAPHICS_SETTING_CLUTTER_2D [0 to 1] is now GRAPHICS_SETTING_CLUTTER_2D_QUALITY [0 to 4].

Since this very usefull addon has been categorized as Discontinued, I'd hereby humbly offer to continue the maintenance - or upload a (properly credited) Redux.

Baertram 11/29/20 08:55 AM

Hi muenchhausen,

feel free to revive the addon as Clarity revived or the original name :D
I had no time to test or update it.
But you should please strip the embedded libraries and add them to the txt file as ## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0>=31 + strip any LibStub calls.

Here is my last vesion I had used, maybeyou can setup yours on it:
Clarity 1.0.6 Baertram - Stripped LibStub and updated API + library versions

muenchhausen 12/24/20 06:08 AM

"It ... It is alive ... AGAIN!"
This Addon has been revived:

A huge and humble Thank You to outbackz and Baertram
and seasons greeting to all of ya!
Have fun, be kind, stay healthy.

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