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akanderson 03/12/24 07:01 PM

Issues with dropdown menus
Is the issue with the dropdown menus such as the one found with the inability to select online status by clicking directly on the interface also what's effecting addon's like "Dungeon Queue 4 Stickerbook" and a few others?

I have already placed a comment there about the error you receive when you attempt to select a dungeon type as it seems it may have something to also do with alignment but wanted to ask here as well. The following is the error message I see.

Sharlikran 03/12/24 07:17 PM


With U41 it seems nearly any addon that uses a dropdown menu is running into problems and unfortunately this one is as well. The following is the error I get when I attempt to select the dropdown for type of dungeon I want to run.

I don't know if it is something that can be corrected or if it is going to be an issue that ZOS needs to fix but I wanted to let you know. Thanks again for the work you've put into this.
So quoting you, if mods are broken in this manner then they will have to be updated by the author. There is no ZOS issue. So if it doesn't work uninstall it for now, there is no other option.

Frackou 03/13/24 07:30 AM

You can use one of these commands in chat if like me you were "offline" or "*" before the update.


/script SelectPlayerStatus(1)
/script SelectPlayerStatus(2)
/script SelectPlayerStatus(3)
/script SelectPlayerStatus(4)
/script SelectPlayerStatus(5)

1 for Online
2 for Away
3 for Dot not disturb
4 for Offline
5 for Online too :)

Baertram 03/13/24 11:22 AM

Just click a bit below the opening v icon and it opens the dropdown for player status fine then.

Addons that did not update their ZO_ComboBox usage need to update to Zos newest dropdownObject usage.

If the addons even added custom entries using e.g. LibCustomMenu or any other way to add entries, they need to change that in total like described here ->
Switch to ZO_EntryData to create the entries:
-> Post #8 "ZO_ComboBox changes"

Frackou 03/13/24 03:24 PM

ok thx for the tip :banana:

it means death or borring to use for some old addons then :(

Vaddi 03/14/24 04:29 PM

Is this bug breaking dropdowns created by LibAddonMenu (version2.36)? I'm getting the following error messages when using dropdowns in addon settings:

Too many anchors processed. Tail of anchor list:

Sharlikran 03/14/24 06:27 PM

No, I have no issues with any dropdown menus. However, everything I am using is by authors that are still around amd have been updating their mods, as needed. Remember, just because is says Out of Date means nothing.

A good example of the is the new guild history. Any old mods like Shissu's guild tools will no longer work. Because there was a change. Mod authors know this and users are at a disadvantage because they aren't constantly reading technical information.

So when you have errors then disable mods until it stops. There is no other way to adress the issue.

LibAddonMenu has been updated so it isn't that mod.

Baertram 03/15/24 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Vaddi (Post 49520)
Is this bug breaking dropdowns created by LibAddonMenu (version2.36)? I'm getting the following error messages when using dropdowns in addon settings:

Too many anchors processed. Tail of anchor list:

LAM 2.0 r36 should not be cuasing this, it just provides a way to show a settings menu.
And addons usng this library will be the problem here, I'd say.

If the error mesasge does not tell you and further addon name you need to find out which of your addons usign LAM is the cuplrit here, by disabling addons and check when it does not happen anymore.
Please reach out to the addon dev of this addon then, via the addon's comments, that he might need to fix code and make it compatible with the current API again.

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