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StarfleetCommand 11/22/16 01:05 PM

Minion doesn't start.
Hello trying to run Minion but nothing happens, the Minion.exe is just idling in processes, checked the log: INFO 2016-11-22 20:02:07,556 [JavaFX Application Thread] gg.minion.Minion:start(43): Attempting to start Minion...

Also updated Java still no results, please can any shed some light on the situation?

Dolby 11/22/16 01:17 PM

Sorry to hear that StarfleetCommand,

I assume Minion was running fine previously? With out seeing the entire log I have a few questions...

Do you have any network test lines in your log (can you post them)? We had some network problems about an hour ago that lasted about 15 - 20min.

If you're on windows do you see a Minion icon in your system tray? (next to the time). If so right click it and choose 'Open Minion'. Does that fix the issue?

With out seeing the entire log its hard to tell if minion is fully loading, however have you changed your monitor configuration and maybe the app is off screen? If so you can remove the <position ...> tag from your minion.xml to reset it.

StarfleetCommand 11/23/16 02:23 AM

I only just installed minion, and no there is no icon in the system tray, i can see the minion.exe in the active processes collum in task manager but that's it, I have tried reinstall several times, both for Minion and Java, I don't use an anti-virus so I don't think the issue lies there either.

Baertram 11/23/16 04:23 PM

If I remember right we had this in the past already and it was some firewall protecting the ports etc. so Minion wasn't able to connect to the server? Or a proxy server that does connect to your network?

As Dolby said try to attach the whole minion.log and xml files here so he can check it in detail.

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