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-   -   [notabug] Duplicate Chat Message Check doesn't work with EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL (

aldericon 03/04/18 08:34 PM

[notabug] Duplicate Chat Message Check doesn't work with EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL
I've been working a lot recently with the event EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL, which allows you to see what's being posted in chat. I've noticed that if you try to post the same message twice - easily done with addons like pChat, where you can press the 'up' arrow to get what you just posted - it won't actually post to chat, but the EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL still fires.

Just wanted to post here to see if this was working as intended. It's funny sometimes because I get a bunch of the same chat message in a few seconds but only one copy in chat.

Scootworks 03/04/18 10:37 PM

i just wondering, did you try it without pchat too? it's not a pchat feature with pressing arrow up to "repeat" a message.

Baertram 03/05/18 05:54 AM

Pressing up and getting the last chat message into the chat box again is a base game feature, isn't it?

I sometimes got the problem, that after login, my first post of a message in a chat channels is not written to chat. If I repeat it (with the up key or manually) it's in the chat all of sudden (at least only once and not twice then).

If a chat message is not shown a 2nd time after using the up key it shluld be some addon of yours which is "filtering" the last send messages somehow, but EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL ist not filtering! You cannot suppress chat messages with this event afaik.

Search your addons for

, normally the filtering is applied in there.

sirinsidiator 03/05/18 05:54 AM

That's because pChat has an anti-spam feature since v2:

- Added an Anti-Spam : For now, 3 subfilters :
Flood, Enabled per default. Protects Only geo-channels (Zone, ZFR, ZDE, ZEN, Say, Yells, Emote) Same messages in defined timer (0-180 seconds, 30 per default) are dropped.
Please always test without any addons first, before posting to the bug reports forum. ;)

aldericon 03/05/18 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by sirinsidiator (Post 34057)
That's because pChat has an anti-spam feature since v2:

Please always test without any addons first, before posting to the bug reports forum. ;)

My mistake; pChat has been installed on my game for so long that I had forgotten what was part of the base game and what was part of the addon.

Thanks for clearing it up everyone. :)

Ayantir 03/05/18 05:37 PM

I'm always the guilty :rolleyes:

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