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MarcusUK 03/16/22 09:09 PM

Literal Group Dungeon Finder
Would like the ability to have an option on the Specific Dungeons list to click a "show on map" option and the appropriate region map opens and places the cursor right over the dungeon's location, regardless of discovery state. There are now 48 Group Dungeons and trying to recall where they are located if you want to go enter one solo is a pain in the butt. I'm aware we can just use an ESO wiki, but I'd like to see an in-game means of highlighting the precise location of group dungeons that saves alt-tabbing out - hence "literal dungeon finder" meaning "where on Tamriel is that?" Not aware of any addon that can do this already and have looked around, but if anyone is interested in this, please support Gamepad mode, not just KB/Mouse. Thanks.

Shadowfen 03/17/22 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by MarcusUK (Post 45498)
Would like the ability to have an option on the Specific Dungeons list to click a "show on map" option and the appropriate region map opens and places the cursor right over the dungeon's location, regardless of discovery state. There are now 48 Group Dungeons and trying to recall where they are located if you want to go enter one solo is a pain in the butt. I'm aware we can just use an ESO wiki, but I'd like to see an in-game means of highlighting the precise location of group dungeons that saves alt-tabbing out - hence "literal dungeon finder" meaning "where on Tamriel is that?" Not aware of any addon that can do this already and have looked around, but if anyone is interested in this, please support Gamepad mode, not just KB/Mouse. Thanks.

It's not quite the same, but Beam Me Up Teleporter has a dungeon icon on its window which when clicked will list all of the trials and dungeons and you can click on them to transport directly there - be sure to do it from a wayshrine to avoid it costing you gold (or have a friend already there so that BME can do a port to friend for free). I still don't know where the dungeons are, but at least I can easily get there. :)

MarcusUK 03/17/22 12:05 PM

Thanks. I'll have a look, but it doesn't appear to support gamepad mode and has a lot of bloat features in it that I really won't use, and I'm already paranoid about having too many big addons and libraries incase they start to slow my game down.

Baertram 03/17/22 01:19 PM

About your request:
There is no API givent o show the POI of the dungeons on the map, you'd need to hardcode a list of these dungeon POIs, zones.
Afaik the "wayshrines of the dungeons" cannot be used for that "show on map" and ZOs does not have the data, else their own shown on map would work already. So this would be a list of dungeons you need to update with each patch again.

Just for clarification:
I often read that addons slow down the game and that's not always true. I mean ys additional software makes it slwer but most of the time it's not human noticable at all.

Addons only slow your game down, in terms of loading times e.g., as they use SavedVariables and store a big amount of data. BMU does not do that so it's not slowdown addon at all, only working as you open the map or show the BMU UI.

Or combat related addons or addons related to things like th group UI, and ability bars where each change/usage of a skill or your or any other group menber's attribute values would need re calculation of things.

Or map related stuff that needs to update as the map udates (Cyrodiil e.g.). But even then it uses events that only fire as the change happens, and you'd be fine and not notice and big performance loss.

Or they might slow your game down on very old hardware or low power CPUs which already struggle to provide a good and fluent game play.
In this case I would not add more to calculate and do, like addons, yes.

From what I noticed and know, addons that just add things to crafting tables, or the map, or the UI (and is not based on the above mentioned things) are nothing that really slow down your game. The size of the SavedVariable files in total is what raises the laoding time at each login/reloadui/zone change. And the amount of players in your instance (what we obviously cannot control beside not porting to crowded areas during prime time e.g.).

MarcusUK 03/17/22 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 45511)
About your request:
There is no API given to show the POI of the dungeons on the map, you'd need to hardcode a list of these dungeon POIs, zones.
Afaik the "wayshrines of the dungeons" cannot be used for that "show on map" and ZOS does not have the data, else their own shown on map would work already. So this would be a list of dungeons you need to update with each patch again.

I'm not sure what you mean. I've just given BeamMeUp a try and it does exactly what I asked for - maybe they coded a workaround for the lack of API options - click a group dungeon and it highlights where it is on the map by jumping to the region and doing a kind of radar-blip effect over the POI icon. Although it is has its own KB/Mouse interface rather than just a light-weight option on the specific dungeon list, it works as I hoped to make finding dungeons much easier than using a wiki. Just wish it had Gamepad support, but if that's not possible it will make do as is for the odd occassion that I want to solo a dungeon but don't know or can't recall where it is.

Thanks for the info on addons not contributing heavily to game lag, that's good to know. My SavedVariables folder is only 16.1mb presently, which is probably not a lot to handle. I have 32gb RAM, assuming some of that data is being loaded into memory on launch.

Baertram 03/18/22 06:43 AM

SV files are parsed and written on each reloadui/zone change so the file access is the speed important thing here. SSDs are quick enough so that small SV files will be parsed and saved within a few MS, only increasing the overall time to load the UI by 1 second or a few.

16MB SV in total will already slow down your loading screens. You can test yourself via e.g. disabling all addons and do a reloadui in a non crowded zone, and then enable the ones with bigegr SV files and do the same. Should be a noticable difference there.

Yeah, and BMU exactly cicumvents the API shortcomings by using LibZone and other hardcoded data, or workarounds. But you always got manual effort to create such lists, either in LibZones, or in BMU, or any other addon. Means: Each time the game updates and adds zones or changes them you'd have to work on it again, and again.
This makes it a very unpleasant addon idea :-)

MarcusUK 03/18/22 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 45523)
Each time the game updates and adds zones or changes them you'd have to work on it again, and again.
This makes it a very unpleasant addon idea :-)

Since we only get 2 new DLC dungeons with each major expansion every year, I don't suppose it's much of an effort to add a couple of new dungeon names and their POI coordinates to a list. I mean, if the author has to manually bump the API version anyway it goes hand-in-hand with updating for any expansion. The lucky thing is that dungeons are fixed POIs so little if anything is going to change in the core code to break such an addon, right? I mean, if I could extract the bit of code from BeamMeUp that highlights dungeons/trials/arenas, add gamepad functionality and scrap the rest it would be all I ever needed for finding dungeons easier. I like small QoL mods that do simple things that the game should already offer. But, you know... it's Bethesda/ZOS... :p

Baertram 03/18/22 04:22 PM

No one needs to bump the APIversion, that's just done for **** sake to ease the pain of the users asking to ease their "out of date" thinking :(
Just forget this finally guys, please!
Could be fine if you got 1 addon to maintain but it's a nonsense and eating days of work if you got like 20+...
If an addon works it works.

Yes, the number of dungeons a year is small, like 2 dungeons with DLCs and 2-4 DLCs a year. Still you need to check ALL the others as well as they might change.
All I wanted to point out here is that no author likes to maintain manual tables and update addons.
If there is no API and no automatism provided those kind of addons are not on place 1 of the "I'll do it" lists :p
That's my experience so I just wanted to warn you that it could be there is no volunteer for these kind of addons, especially if there are only a few players asking for something like this.

If you want to have a look yourself:
In BeammeUp list.lua you'll find the function Teleporter.clickOnZoneName(button, record)
It seems to show the map of the clicked zone via ZO_WorldMap_SetMapByIndex(record.mapIndex) where record should be te clicked entry at the list and mapIndex the index of the map of that zone.

Then it checks some POI data of the parentZone of the current zone at the map:
for i = 0, GetNumPOIs(zoneIndex) do
and check if it's a dungeon or delve by it's name as it seems, and if found, raises a rally point (the red blinking circle) at that POI.

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