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ForgottenLight 06/30/16 03:12 AM

WPamA - Need help with translations to DE, FR, JP
Addon WPamA. Maybe some screenshots will be useful when translating.
In the text there are abbreviations:
RGLA (Raid Group Leader Assistant)
MSL (Min Scaled Level - The minimum level which can be scaled dungeon)

In French most of the text already translated, it remains to translate a bit.
Lua Code:
  1. WPamA.i18n = {
  2.   KeyBindInvtStr = "Show/hide Miscellaneous window",
  3.   CaptInvt = "Miscellaneous",
  4.   OptDontShowNone = "Show blank instead of \"none\"",
  5.   OptTitleToolTip = "Enable tooltip for the window title",
  6.   RGLABossKilled = "The boss was killed. RGLA is stopped.",
  7.   RGLALeaderChanged = "The group leader was changed. RGLA is stopped.",
  8.   RGLAOptQAutoShare = "Allow auto-sharing of the quest",
  9.   RGLAOptQAlert = "Notify at screen",
  10.   RGLAOptQChat = "Notify to chat",
  11.   RGLAOptBossKilled = "RGLA stop once the boss is killed",
  12.   RGLA_ErrBoss = "The boss already killed. RGLA can not be started.",
  13.   EnlOn  = "Your characters are Enlightened",
  14.   EnlOff = "Your characters are not Enlightened",
  15. }
  16. WPamA.i18n.ToolTip = {
  17.   [0] = "Close window",
  18.   [1] = "Show/hide Options window",
  19.   [2] = "Change window mode",
  20.   [3] = "Post today pledges to chat",
  21.   [4] = "Your current progress in completing Pledges",
  22.   [5] = "A calendar of current and future pledges",
  23.   [6] = "Your current progress in completing daily quests",
  24.   [7] = "Or/argent/bronze clef, crochet et pierre d'âme grandiose",
  25.   [8] = "The minimum level which can be scaled dungeon",
  26.   [10] = "Réinitialiser la liste de caractères",
  27.   [27] = "Achievement countdown",
  28. }
  29. WPamA.i18n.RGLAMsg = {
  30.   [1] = "Z: LFM ...",
  31.   [2] = "Z: LFM short",
  32.   [3] = "Z: Start after 1 min",
  33.   [4] = "G: Start after 1 min",
  34.   [5] = "G: Start",
  35.   [6] = "Z: Boss is down",
  36.   [7] = "G: You already done it",
  37.   [8] = "About addon",
  38. }

In German need to translate more text.
Lua Code:
  1. WPamA.i18n = {
  2.   KeyBindShowStr = "Show/hide addon window",
  3.   KeyBindChgStr  = "Change addon window mode",
  4.   KeyBindCharStr = "Show/hide characters window",
  5.   KeyBindClndStr = "Show/hide calendar window",
  6.   KeyBindWWBStr  = "Show/hide Wrothgar bosses window",
  7.   KeyBindInvtStr = "Show/hide Miscellaneous window",
  8.   KeyBindPostTd  = "Post today pledges to chat",
  9.   KeyBindRGLA    = "Show/hide RGLA (Raid Group Leader Assistant)",
  10.   KeyBindRGLASrt = "RGLA: Start",
  11.   KeyBindRGLAStp = "RGLA: Stop",
  12.   KeyBindRGLAPst = "RGLA: Post to chat",
  13.   KeyBindRGLAShr = "RGLA: Share quest",
  14.   NoCharErr = "Error reading character list!",
  15.   MoreCharErr = "12 or more character detected! Type '/wpa rch' for reset character base.",
  16. -- Caption
  17.   CaptChar = "Charaktere",
  18.   CaptClnd = "Kalender",
  19.   CaptWWB  = "Wrothgar World Bosses",
  20.   CaptInvt = "Miscellaneous",
  21. -- Labels
  22.   TotalRow = "TOTAL",
  23.   ResetChar = "Reset",
  24.   HdrLvl = "Lvl",
  25.   HdrName = "Name",
  26.   HdrClnd = "Kalender",
  27.   HdrMSL = "MSL",
  28.   HdrSilver = "Normal / Silver",
  29.   HdrGold = "Veteran / Gold",
  30.   OptLocation = "Location instead dungeon name",
  31.   OptENDungeon = "Show the names of dungeons in English",
  32.   OptDontShowNone = "Show blank instead of \"none\"",
  33.   OptTitleToolTip = "Enable tooltip for the window title",
  34.   RGLABossKilled = "The boss was killed. RGLA is stopped.",
  35.   RGLALeaderChanged = "The group leader was changed. RGLA is stopped.",
  36.   RGLAOptQAutoShare = "Allow auto-sharing of the quest",
  37.   RGLAOptQAlert = "Notify at screen",
  38.   RGLAOptQChat = "Notify to chat",
  39.   RGLAOptBossKilled = "RGLA stop once the boss is killed",
  40.   RGLAShare = "Share",
  41.   RGLAStop = "Stop",
  42.   RGLAPost = "Post",
  43.   RGLAStart = "Start",
  44.   RGLAStarted = "Started",
  45. -- RGLA Errors
  46.   RGLA_ErrBoss = "The boss already killed. RGLA can not be started.",
  47.   RGLA_ErrQuest = "You are don't have daily quest for Wrothgar World Bosses!",
  48.   RGLA_ErrWrothgar = "You are not in Wrothgar right now!",
  49.   RGLA_ErrLeader = "You are not a group leader!",
  50.   RGLA_ErrAI = "Addon AutoInvite is not found or not activated!",
  51. -- Dungeons Status
  52.   DungStDone = "DONE",
  53.   DungStNA = "N/A",
  54. -- Wrothgar Boss Status
  55.   WWBStNone = "none",
  56.   WWBStDone = "DONE",
  57. -- "Current". Need short string.
  58.   WWBStCur  = "CUR",
  59. -- Enlightened
  60.   EnlOn  = "Your characters are Enlightened",
  61.   EnlOff = "Your characters are not Enlightened",
  62. }
  63. WPamA.i18n.ToolTip = {
  64.   [0] = "Close window",
  65.   [1] = "Show/hide Options window",
  66.   [2] = "Change window mode",
  67.   [3] = "Post today pledges to chat",
  68.   [4] = "Your current progress in completing Pledges",
  69.   [5] = "A calendar of current and future pledges",
  70.   [6] = "Your current progress in completing daily quests",
  71.   [7] = "Gold/silber/bronzeschlüssel, dietrich und großer seelenstein",
  72.   [8] = "The minimum level which can be scaled dungeon",
  73.   [10] = "Reset characters list",
  74.   [27] = "Achievement countdown",
  75. }
  76. WPamA.i18n.RGLAMsg = {
  77.   [1] = "Z: LFM ...",
  78.   [2] = "Z: LFM short",
  79.   [3] = "Z: Start after 1 min",
  80.   [4] = "G: Start after 1 min",
  81.   [5] = "G: Start",
  82.   [6] = "Z: Boss is down",
  83.   [7] = "G: You already done it",
  84.   [8] = "About addon",
  85. }
  86. WPamA.i18n.DayOfWeek = {
  87.   [0] = "Sun",
  88.   [1] = "Mon",
  89.   [2] = "Tue",
  90.   [3] = "Wed",
  91.   [4] = "Thu",
  92.   [5] = "Fri",
  93.   [6] = "Sat",
  94. }

Baertram 07/04/16 01:13 PM

Working on German translations.


--RGLA (Raid Group Leader Assistant)
--MSL (Min Scaled Level - The minimum level which can be scaled dungeon)

WPamA.i18n = {
  KeyBindShowStr = "Zeige/Verstecke AddOn Fenster",
  KeyBindChgStr  = "Ändere AddOn Fenster Modus",
  KeyBindCharStr = "Zeige/Verstecke Charakter Fenster",
  KeyBindClndStr = "Zeige/Verstecke calendar window",
  KeyBindWWBStr  = "Zeige/Verstecke Wrothgar Bosse Fenster",
  KeyBindPostTd  = "Schreibe 'Daily Dungeons' in den Chat",
  KeyBindRGLA    = "Zeige/Verstecke RGLA (Raid Group Leader Assistant)",
  KeyBindRGLASrt = "RGLA: Start",
  KeyBindRGLAStp = "RGLA: Anhalten",
  KeyBindRGLAPst = "RGLA: In den Chat schreiben",
  KeyBindRGLAShr = "RGLA: Teile Quest",
  NoCharErr = "Fehler: Charakter Liste kann nicht geladen werden!",
  MoreCharErr = "12 oder mehr Charaktere wurden ermittelt! Schreibe '/wpa rch' in den Chat, um die Charakter Datenbank zurückzusetzen.",
-- Caption
  CaptChar = "Charaktere",
  CaptClnd = "Kalender",
  CaptWWB  = "Wrothgar Welt Bosse",
  CaptInvt = "Verschiedenes",
-- Labels
  TotalRow = "TOTAL",
  ResetChar = "Zurücksetzen",
  HdrLvl = "Lvl",
  HdrName = "Name",
  HdrClnd = "Kalender",
  HdrMSL = "MSL",
  HdrSilver = "Normal / Silver",
  HdrGold = "Veteran / Gold",
  OptLocation = "Ort anstelle des Deungeon Namens",
  OptENDungeon = "Zeige die Namen von Dungeons in Englischer Sprache",
  OptDontShowNone = "Zeige blank anstelle von \"fehlt\"",
  OptTitleToolTip = "Aktiviere Tooltip für den Fenster Titel",
  RGLABossKilled = "Der Boss wurde getötet. RGLA wurde gestoppt.",
  RGLALeaderChanged = "Der Gruppen Anführer hat gewechselt. RGLA wurde gestoppt.",
  RGLAOptQAutoShare = "Erlaube automatisches Quest Teilen",
  RGLAOptQAlert = "Benachrichtige am Bildschirm",
  RGLAOptQChat = "Benachrichtige in den Chat",
  RGLAOptBossKilled = "RGLA Stoppe wenn der Boss getötet wurde",
  RGLAShare = "Teile",
  RGLAStop = "Stop",
  RGLAPost = "> Chat",
  RGLAStart = "Start",
  RGLAStarted = "Gestartet",
-- RGLA Errors
  RGLA_ErrQuest = "Du hast keine täglichen Quests für Wrothgar Welt Bosse!",
  RGLA_ErrWrothgar = "Du bist momentan nicht in Wrothgar!",
  RGLA_ErrLeader = "du bist kein gruppen Anführer!",
  RGLA_ErrAI = "Addon AutoInvite wurde nicht gefunden, oder ist nicht aktiv!",
-- Dungeons Status
  DungStDone = "FERTIG",
  DungStNA = "N/A",
-- Wrothgar Boss Status
  WWBStNone = "fehlt",
  WWBStDone = "FERTIG",
-- "Current". Need short string.
  WWBStCur  = "AKT",
-- Enlightened
  EnlOn  = "Deine Charaktere sind erholt",
  EnlOff = "Deine Charaktere sind NICHT erholt",
WPamA.i18n.ToolTip = {
  [0] = "Schließe Fenster",
  [1] = "Zeige/Verstecke Optionen Fenster",
  [2] = "Ändere Fenster Modus",
  [3] = "Schreibe heutige 'Tägliche Dungeons' (Unerschrockene) in den Chat",
  [4] = "Dein aktueller Fortschritt beim Abschließen der täglichen Dungeons",
  [5] = "Ein Kalender der aktuellen und zukünftigen täglichen Dungeons (Unerschrockene)",
  [6] = "Dein aktueller Fortschritt beim Abschließen der täglichen Quests",
  [7] = "Gold/Silber/Bronze-Schlüssel, Dietrich und Großer Seelenstein",
  [10] = "Setze Charakterliste zurück",
  [27] = "Errungenschaft Countdown",
WPamA.i18n.RGLAMsg = {
  [1] = "Z: LFM ...",
  [2] = "Z: LFM kurz",
  [3] = "Z: Start nach 1 Min",
  [4] = "G: Start nach 1 Min",
  [5] = "G: Start",
  [6] = "Z: Boss ist tot",
  [7] = "G: Hast du bereits erledigt",
  [8] = "Über das AddOn",
WPamA.i18n.DayOfWeek = {
  [0] = "So",
  [1] = "Mo",
  [2] = "Di",
  [3] = "Mi",
  [4] = "Do",
  [5] = "Fr",
  [6] = "Sa",

ForgottenLight 07/05/16 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 27671)
Working on German translations.

Thank you very much for your help with the translation!
In new version added some more text. Please translate it.
Lua Code:
  1. WPamA.i18n = {
  2.   KeyBindInvtStr = "Show/hide Miscellaneous window",
  3.   RGLA_ErrBoss = "The boss already killed. RGLA can not be started.",
  4. }
  5. WPamA.i18n.ToolTip = {
  6.   [8] = "The minimum level which can be scaled dungeon",
  7. }

Baertram 07/07/16 03:44 AM


WPamA.i18n = {
  KeyBindInvtStr = "Zeige/Verstecke Verschiedenes Fenster",
  RGLA_ErrBoss = "Der Boss wurde bereits getötet. RGLA kann nicht gestartet werden.",
WPamA.i18n.ToolTip = {
  [8] = "Das minimale Level auf welches der Dungeon/Verließ skaliert werden kann",

ForgottenLight 07/08/16 06:29 AM

Thx for help! Your translation is included in the release 1.0.1 .

ForgottenLight 08/05/16 01:22 AM

Still need a translation in French. Can someone help?

Llwydd 08/05/16 02:35 AM

here a quick french translation don't test it

Question what is LFM ?

Lua Code:
  1. WPamA.i18n = {
  2.       KeyBindInvtStr = "Affiche/masque la fenêtre divers",
  3.       CaptInvt = "Divers",
  4.       OptDontShowNone = "Affiche un blanc à la place de \"none\"",
  5.       OptTitleToolTip = "Activer les astuces pour la fenêtre de titre",
  6.       RGLABossKilled = "Le boss a été tué. L'Assistance au Chef du Groupe est arrêté.",
  7.       RGLALeaderChanged = "Le chef du groupe a été changé. ACG est arrêté.",
  8.       RGLAOptQAutoShare = "Permet le partage automatique de la quête",
  9.       RGLAOptQAlert = "Notifier à l'écran",
  10.       RGLAOptQChat = "Notifier dans le chat",
  11.       RGLAOptBossKilled = "AGC s'arrête lorsque le boss est tué",
  12.       RGLA_ErrBoss = "Le boss a déjà été tué. AGC ne peut pas démarré.",
  13.       EnlOn  = "Vos personnages sont illuminés",
  14.       EnlOff = "Vos personnags ne sont pas illuminés",
  15.     }
  16.     WPamA.i18n.ToolTip = {
  17.       [0] = "Fermer la fenêtre",
  18.       [1] = "Afficher/masquer la fenêtre Options",
  19.       [2] = "Changer le mode fenêtre",
  20.       [3] = "Poster les engagements journaliers dans le chat",
  21.       [4] = "Votre progression dans l’achèvement des engagements",
  22.       [5] = "Un calendrier pour les engagements actuels et futurs",
  23.       [6] = "Votre progression dans l'achèvement des quêtes journalières",
  24.       [7] = " Clés Or/argent/bronze, crochet et pierre d'âme grandiose",
  25.       [8] = "Le niveau minimum de réduction du donjon",
  26.       [10] = "Réinitialiser la liste des personnages",
  27.       [27] = "Décompte des succès",
  28.     }
  29.     WPamA.i18n.RGLAMsg = {
  30.       [1] = "Z: LFM ...",
  31.       [2] = "Z: LFM court",
  32.       [3] = "Z: Démarrer après 1 min",
  33.       [4] = "G: Démarrer après 1 min",
  34.       [5] = "G: Démarrer",
  35.       [6] = "Z: Boss est mort",
  36.       [7] = "G: Vous l'avez déjà fait",
  37.       [8] = "A propos",
  38.     }

Baertram 08/05/16 04:46 AM

If I'm not wong LFM is a short term for the english "Looking for mate". It is used to find a groupmate.

ForgottenLight 08/05/16 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Llwydd (Post 27968)
here a quick french translation don't test it

Question what is LFM ?

Thanks for the translation. Include it in the next release. :)


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 27975)
If I'm not wong LFM is a short term for the english "Looking for mate". It is used to find a groupmate.

As variant. Or "Looking For Member". I think "LFM" does not necessarily translate. :)

Llwydd 08/06/16 12:08 AM

Ok ty
so in french
LFM = RdM (Recherche de Membres)

ForgottenLight 08/18/16 06:13 AM

WPamA - Need help with translations to DE, FR, JP
I need help with translation some text for new version of addon:
Lua Code:
  1. OptDateTime  = "The format of the date and time",
  2. OptDateTimeF = "Select the format to display dates and times in the calendar window",
  4. ResetCharNote = "If you deleted a character, the addon continues to store data about it. To delete data about non-existent characters you need to click on the button below. After resetting the list of characters you just need to re-login all the characters to get new data.",
  5. ResetCharWarn = "All the data about the characters will be deleted! Are you sure?",
  6. OptGeneralHdr = "General settings",
  7. CharsOnOffHdr = "Show / Hide Characters",
  8. CharsOnOffNote = "Note: Your current character will always ignore this setting. Information about the current character will always be displayed in all modes.",
  9. OptCharOnOffTtip = "Show / Hide",
  10. OptRglaHdr = "RGLA settings",

Also, in German translation need create OptENDungeon - short version of OptENDungeonF , because the word "Sprache" in the full version does not fit in the addon menu window. (Full version - variables with last simbol "F" used for ToolTip)
Lua Code:
  1. OptENDungeon = "",
  2. OptENDungeonF = "Zeige die Namen von Dungeons in Englischer Sprache",

Lionas 08/18/16 10:27 AM


JP translation is below:
Lua Code:
  1. OptDateTime  = "日付と時間のフォーマット",
  2. OptDateTimeF = "カレンダーウィンドウに表示する日付と時間のフォーマットを選択する",
  4. ResetCharNote = "キャラクターを削除した場合でもデータは引き続き保存されます。存在しないキャラクターのデータを削除するには、以下のボタンをクリックする必要があります。キャラクターの一覧のリセット後、新しいキャラクターのデータを取得するには再ログインする必要があります。",
  5. ResetCharWarn = "全てのキャラクターに関するデータを削除します!よろしいですか?",
  6. OptGeneralHdr = "一般設定",
  7. CharsOnOffHdr = "キャラクターの表示/非表示",
  8. CharsOnOffNote = "注意:あなたの現在のキャラクターはこの設定を常に無視します。現在のキャラクターに関する情報は全てのモードで常に表示されます",
  9. OptCharOnOffTtip = "表示/非表示",
  10. OptRglaHdr = "RGLA設定",

Llwydd 08/20/16 01:07 AM


French translation

Lua Code:
  1. OptDateTime  = "Format des dates et heures",
  2.     OptDateTimeF = "Sélectionnez le format de la date et de l'heure à afficher dans la fenêtre calendrier",
  4.     ResetCharNote = "Si vous effacez un personnage, cette extension continuera à stocker des données le concernant. Pour supprimer des données d'un personnage effacé, vous devez cliquer sur le bouton ci-dessous. Après la remise à zéro de la liste de vos personnages vous devrez juste les recharger pour obtenir les nouvelles données.",
  5.     ResetCharWarn = "Toutes les données liées aux personnages seront effacées ! En êtes-vous sûre ?",
  6.     OptGeneralHdr = "Réglages généraux",
  7.     CharsOnOffHdr = "Afficher / Masquer les personnages",
  8.     CharsOnOffNote = "Nota: Votre personnage actif ignorera toujours ces réglages. L'Information concernant le personnage actif sera toujours afficher dans tous les modes.",
  9.     OptCharOnOffTtip = "Afficher / Masquer",
  10.     OptRglaHdr = "Réglages ACGR",

ACGR = Assistant Chef de Groupe Raid perhaps RGLA is better

ForgottenLight 08/20/16 02:08 AM

Lionas, Llwydd thanks for the help. I'll add the French translation in the next release which will be soon. Japanese translation is already added.

ForgottenLight 08/26/16 07:40 AM

I need help with translation some text for new version of addon:
Lua Code:
  1. DateFrmtList = {"ESO Default","yyyy-mm-dd","","mm/dd",""},
  3. MoreCharErr = N .. " or more characters is detected. Need a reset of the characters list.",
  4. ToolTip[9] = "Please use the button \"reset characters\" in the addon options panel or type a command \"/wpa rch\" in the chat window.",
  6. ToolTip[2] = Icon.LMB .. " Change window mode\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Select window mode",
  7. OptDateFrmt  = "The format of the date",
  8. OptDateFrmtF = "Select the format to display dates in the calendar window",
  9. OptShowTime  = "Also show time after date",

1. The old variable MoreCharErr was divided into two parts because the whole text does not fit in the window. For example:
Lua Code:
  1. DE:  MoreCharErr = N .. " oder mehr Charaktere wurden ermittelt! Schreibe '/wpa rch' in den Chat, |um die Charakter Datenbank zurückzusetzen.",
  2. FR:  MoreCharErr = N .. " personnages ou plus detectés! Tapez '/wpa rch' pour remettre à zero la b|ase de données des personnages.",
Only the part before the "|" symbol is fit in the window. The need to shorten the text to fit in the window. The rest of the text can be placed in the tooltip.
I can't check whether the text fits in the Japanese translation:
Lua Code:
  1. JP:  MoreCharErr = N .. " 以上のキャラクターを検知しました! キャラクターベースのリセットのため '/wpa rch' をタイプしてください",

2. The old variable OptDateFrmt was divided into two parts for the time display was controlled by a separate setting.

3. In to ToolTip[2] variable is added the second part, which shows what will be done at the click right mouse button. Old version:
Lua Code:
  1. DE:  [2] = Icon.LMB .. " Ändere Fenster Modus\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Select window mode",
  2. FR:  [2] = Icon.LMB .. " Changer le mode fenêtre\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Select window mode",
  3. JP:  [2] = Icon.LMB .. " ウィンドウモードを変更\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Select window mode",
"\n" is "new line symbol"

Llwydd 08/27/16 12:43 AM

Lua Code:
  1. DateFrmtList = {"ESO Default","yyyy-mm-dd","","mm/dd",""},
  3.     MoreCharErr = N .. " ou plusieurs personnages détectés. RàZ liste des personnages nécessaire.",
  4.     ToolTip[9] = "Utilisez le bouton \" RAZ personnages\" situé dans les options de l'extension ou tapez la commande \"/wpa rch\" dans le chat.",
  6.     ToolTip[2] = Icon.LMB .. " Changer le mode fenêtre\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Sélectionner le mode fenêtre",
  7.     OptDateFrmt  = "Format de la date",
  8.     OptDateFrmtF = "Sélectionnez le format d'affichage des dates dans le calendrier",
  9.     OptShowTime  = "Affiche aussi l'heure après la date",

Lionas 08/27/16 12:20 PM

Lua Code:
  1. DateFrmtList = {"ESO標準","yyyy-mm-dd","","mm/dd",""}, -- Almost Japanese do not use "" and "". And they maybe use "yyyy/mm/dd".
  3. MoreCharErr = N .. " 以上のキャラクターを検知しました。キャラクターリストをリセットする必要があります。",
  4. ToolTip[9] = "アドオンオプションパネルの \"reset characters\" ボタンを使用するか、チャットウィンドウで \"/wpa rch\" コマンドを入力してください。",
  6. ToolTip[2] = Icon.LMB .. " ウィンドウモードの変更\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " ウィンドウモードの選択",
  7. OptDateFrmt  = "日付のフォーマット",
  8. OptDateFrmtF = "カレンダーウィンドウに表示する日付のフォーマットを選択",
  9. OptShowTime  = "日付の後に時間も表示",

ForgottenLight 08/29/16 03:17 AM

Lionas, Llwydd thanks for the help! Your translations are included in today's release.

Originally Posted by Lionas (Post 28197)
DateFrmtList = {"ESO標準","yyyy-mm-dd","","mm/dd",""},
-- Almost Japanese do not use "" and "". And they maybe use "yyyy/mm/dd".

I add "yyyy/mm/dd" format to list. Now:
DateFrmtList = {"ESO Default","yyyy-mm-dd","","yyyy/mm/dd","","mm/dd"},
and default settings for Japanese is "yyyy/mm/dd".
But now everyone will be able to set the date and time format as he would like. :)


Originally Posted by Lionas (Post 28197)
ToolTip[9] = "アドオンオプションパネルの \"reset characters\" ボタンを使用するか、チャットウィンドウで \"/wpa rch\" コマンドを入力してください。",

In addon options panel reset button has name "キャラクターリストのリセット", but not "reset characters".
I use:
ToolTip[9] = "アドオンオプションパネルの \"キャラクターリストのリセット\" ボタンを使用するか、チャットウィンドウで \"/wpa rch\" コマンドを入力してください。",
is this correct?

Baertram 09/02/16 05:57 AM

Back from vacations. Here are your German translations:


DateFrmtList = {"ESO Default","jjjj-mm-tt","","mm/tt",""},

MoreCharErr = N .. " oder mehr Charaktere wurden ermittelt! Charakter Liste braucht Reset!",

ToolTip[9] = "Bitte nutze Knopf  \"Setze Charakterliste\" in den Addon Optionen oder nutze Chatbefehl \"/wpa rch\".",

ToolTip[2] = Icon.LMB .. " Change window mode\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Select window mode",
ToolTip[2] = Icon.LMB .. " Ändere Fenster Modus\n" .. Icon.RMB .. " Wähle den Fenster Modus",

OptDateFrmt  = "Das Datumsformat",
OptDateFrmtF = "Wähle das Format für die Darstellung des Datums im Kalender",
OptShowTime  = "Zeige Zeit hinter dem Datum",

Hope I found all strings to translate.

Lionas 09/04/16 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by ForgottenLight (Post 28210)
In addon options panel reset button has name "キャラクターリストのリセット", but not "reset characters".
I use:
ToolTip[9] = "アドオンオプションパネルの \"キャラクターリストのリセット\" ボタンを使用するか、チャットウィンドウで \"/wpa rch\" コマンドを入力してください。",
is this correct?


Your Japanese is correct.

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