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AshySamurai 07/12/14 12:33 AM

Combat skills mechanics
Hi everybody! (Hi dr.Nick :D ). It's not my first mounth of the game and I still like it. And I create not a few toons to try ALL and find out what I like more. But one thing I'm not sure - it is combat mechanic. So let me explain what is wrong. For example puncturing strikes (Templar aedric spear skill line).
- Range of this skill - 8 meters.
- This skill uses magika.
- This skill uses weapon crit.
This video is pretty old (25 march) and ZOS could change all this.
So is puncturing strikes a melee attack?
Or searing strike (5m) or lava whip(8m) (DK ardent flame skill line). Are they melee?
What skill is melee and what is range?
For me if you can attack only for 8m or nearer - it is melee, but I'm not a developer, so I don't know for sure. Or if skill use weapon crit - it should be a melee. This seems a pretty logical too.
And how about passives like red diamond (Imperial healing passive)? It says that it have chanse on melee atack, so is it any melee atack or only weapon attack?
Sorry if I choose a wrong thread.

zgrssd 07/12/14 03:08 AM

Thier primary goal since release was it to get the Classes balanced. They needed to fix that one first, for all further balancing. They have now mostly done that.
Now they have time to buff up the STAM skills on the Class skill level and balance the PVE content a bit (as evidenty with the last two patces).

Once that is done and if they did not get new balance issues (with Dark Botherhood and Thievesguild skillines) they will propably deal with those minor mistakes.
The classes are mostly balanced as they are now. Fixing anything in this area might break the balance again, so they naturally keep changes there off till they* really have nothing else to do.

*The skill balancing team. Not the whole of all developers.

AshySamurai 07/12/14 03:24 AM

I'm not sure we are talking about one thing. I dont say that here is any problem or something works wrong. Nope. All fine. Just there are no information about skills. Are they melee or ranged, which critical (weapon/spell) strike it uses and so on. I dont want to re-balance, just want to know mechanics of the skills.

zgrssd 07/12/14 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by AshySamurai (Post 10503)
I'm not sure we are talking about one thing. I dont say that here is any problem or something works wrong. Nope. All fine. Just there are no information about skills. Are they melee or ranged, which critical (weapon/spell) strike it uses and so on. I dont want to re-balance, just want to know mechanics of the skills.

We are talking about the same. The basic values (wich damage stat and crit it uses, wheter it can stealth crit or not) are pretty bugged up. They don't write more precise tooltips because that would point out the bugs they do have there more clearly.
And the last thing they need is another 10 page rant about how Skill X temporarily does no fit it's Tooltip, and that this in intentional, how ESO is doomed, Zenimax Sucks, they should fire and skin alive thier dev team and whatnot.

They can't make more precise tooltips for fear of starting a few new ****storms.
And they cannot fix it right now for fear of breaking the class balance they worked so hard to get to.

They will eventually get to it. When they have less important balance issues to deal with.

AshySamurai 07/12/14 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by zgrssd (Post 10505)
We are talking about the same. The basic values (wich damage stat and crit it uses, wheter it can stealth crit or not) are pretty bugged up. They don't write more precise tooltips because that would point out the bugs they do have there more clearly.
And the last thing they need is another 10 page rant about how Skill X temporarily does no fit it's Tooltip, and that this in intentional, how ESO is doomed, Zenimax Sucks, they should fire and skin alive thier dev team and whatnot.

They can't make more precise tooltips for fear of starting a few new ****storms.
And they cannot fix it right now for fear of breaking the class balance they worked so hard to get to.

They will eventually get to it. When they have less important balance issues to deal with.

Oh, now I got what you meant. Hmmm. Maybe you're right. :( Hope they fix it before I decide to quit the game.

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