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07/12/14, 10:21 AM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 4

You are all in the right and the sense of frustration is palpable. I don't know the agenda of zenimax online and the priorities assigned to the other problem in the game, but obviously the develop of a good api and the support to the third party developer is the last voice in the list for them.
Probably they have greater problem that can be worsened to a greater use of a more deep api.
If you want to catch their attention and prove to them that the a large number of the developer program add-ons keeping in mind the limit of the server and try to work in the more oculate way possible a huge protest would be not proficuous.

Something has to be done, but there are steps to follow.
Watching the patch history is obvious that the zenimax online is trying to give the developer more... but these "baby steps" are really slowing the growth of the game. The main role of the addon is to give the players an environment more flexible and personal. Something like turning a public place in a "home sweet home".

This lack is reflecting to the relative low number of player on eso, a game with great potential.

If you want to show to them that supporting you could be a great way to increase their incomes you have to use a moderate and constructive approach.

The first step is raising a good number of firms and let the player know of the problems that afflict the developers.
Not pointing at zenimax as the evil one, but giving them the possibility to let the zenimax know that we can bear with some stupid bug but we can't bear to play in a standard environment without flexibility.

The second step is presenting these firms to zenimax with a document that shows the passions of the developers and how their work would increase and improve their incomes and notoriety in the mmos.

Third the developers must request someone with an high profile in the zenimax online that can represent the zos and follow the work of the developers. It's frustrating don't receiving answer to really important questions and don't have someone to talk to.

After these steps the work of the developer should be easier and more proficuous for the zos.

Obviously the developers have to act as one to realize all of this.

Maybe i'm saying impossible things, but if you move following short and easy to achieve steps i don't think all of this would be too impossible.

I think this game is really good and can give a lot in a new concept. But waiting the zenimax to realize our hopes and the peoples to understand this is frustrating.

We should at least help the developers community in raise the stake with the addons and their efforts.
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