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08/04/14, 11:20 AM   #4
Khaibit's Avatar
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 26
Interesting, all of these are actually links pulled directly from the Guild Store sales history as of this morning - no old data being used. I will continue poking, however! This code was working 100% yesterday, so I'm not certain it's old links because none existed.

Edit: A very-stripped-down example that produces this behavior (displaying the first 20 because not all items have the control characters appended; enchanting runes for example do not, but finished glyphs do):

RequestGuildHistoryCategoryNewest(1, GUILD_HISTORY_SALES)
for i=1, 20 do
  local _, _, _, _, _, itemName, _ = GetGuildEventInfo(1, GUILD_HISTORY_SALES, i)
For now I'm going to use zo_strformat to strip the control characters, but I'd really like items to be properly title-cased again because the mix of some being all lowercase and some being titlecased with little rhyme or reason is rather ugly It also appears they fixed GetDisplayName() on the live build, without it ever being fixed on the PTS, so that's an entirely NEW bag of worms for all addon authors as yet again, all settings will be lost without manually editing SavedVars files. Grr...

Last edited by Khaibit : 08/04/14 at 11:34 AM.
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