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03/29/15, 03:13 PM   #6
Deome's Avatar
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 29
Originally Posted by Philgo68 View Post
The Master Merchant page does indeed credit Millus for the small bit of Stat to Chat code I used from his addon, "Thanks to Mattmillus for some of the Stats to Chat code."

Matt's Copyright:

-- Copyright (c) 2014 Matthew Miller (Mattmillus)
-- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-- obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-- files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-- restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-- copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-- Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-- conditions:
-- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-- included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

I did not consider a handful of fairly standard lines of code a "substantial portion" of the addon, so I didn't feel the need to include his Copyright. Additionally, this code has it's roots in the ESO source anyway:

I have no control over what other say or don't say about your addons, so please don't lay that at my feet.

I can't say I've looked too deeply into the GuildLibHistory library, but it seems like it doesn't return information until it's brought all the guild history in from the server, while the scanning MM, and SK before it do, is as shallow as possible to return an offline sales report ASAP to the user on login.

God Bless,

For starters, I couldn't care less what you consider a substantial portion; your addon is just Millus Roster pasted on top of Shopkeeper, and without Millus's features you wouldn't have anything more to offer than what Shopkeeper did. How dare you say that you don't consider all that you stole out of his addon "substantial"? Have you even talked to him? Did he give you the Millus Roster addon, or did you just get it through your Rawl'kha Mafia connection? And don't think I didn't notice that you also use the "Great Deals" code lifted out of Millus Roster. Did you remember to thank him for that too, when you were adding thanks to MM's page after my post? How much more are you gonna ride his coattails?

Second, damn right I'm going to lay the badmouthing at your door. You thank most of the worst offenders on MM's page, and your buddy QuadraTony here is one of them. Getting other people to do your dirty work is rather cowardly. And don't think I didn't notice you telling folks on MM's page not to use "any addons using LibGuildHistory" with your addon; that's just a passive-aggressive way of saying "Don't Use DataDaedra." It's a pity that pages here on ESOUI don't have a history to show you adding credits only after this post or removing things that reflect what I hear folks saying publicly and in guild chat all the time.

Third, I'm not even going to start on how much of Shopkeeper is lifted from my code without credit or permission (though I'll be happy to if you press the point; all the evidence is in the DataDaedra and Shopkeeper archives here on ESOUI). I would have brought it up with Khaibit had he not disappeared, but after Focus asked me to take over a Shopkeeper port I just removed the recent additions that overlapped and borrowed from DataDaedra. You're using it now without permission or credit--but then, you'd know that if you put half the work into developing an addon from scratch like Khaibit and I did.

It doesn't matter too much whether you think taking everything out of Millus Roster is substantial because I published two of those features, using Millus's license and blessing, weeks before you published your copy here on ESOUI. I asked you privately to use his license, since that's where you claim to have lifted code that's nearly identical to my own, and came back to MM's page to find a long list of people thanked on MM's page, Millus not among them. Your addon uses DataDaedra's features, and we have QuadraTony here on this page saying that people want those features in another addon. Don't tell me you didn't lift code from DataDaedra in order to make them work, I *know* how much of Millus Roster broke after Update 5.

All I asked was for a simple acknowledgement and incorporation of Millus's and my license JUST FOR THOSE PARTS in a timely fashion. You blew me off because you don't think all the features you cut and pasted are "substantial." Now I'm asking admins and the developer community here to settle that question.

Again, ironic that the one thing you didn't lift from Millus is the published LibGuildHistory, which we published specifically to AVOID any future conflicts between addons that request history. That, on its face, appears to be just another intentional slight to turn people off from my addons (which QuadraTony has been doing for ages just because I've been sick since December; up until recently, I've had maybe 8 good waking hours in a day to continue to code badass addons, and I wasn't going to waste them trying to placate his whining). And it's more than a little suspicious that you got help from SO many people yet never troubled to ask the one active developer who already has a successful pricing addon for any help or guidance. Almost as if you were avoiding me.

Meanwhile, I've helped a few other people with their addons.

Last edited by Deome : 03/29/15 at 04:02 PM. Reason: Continuation
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