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04/22/15, 10:20 AM   #3
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 142
Some Background

I can shed a little light on this discussion. I will not add opinions just facts.

Deome's Shopkeeper uses LibGuildHistory

Shopkeeper (which I maintained and is still online) is what Master Merchant is based on.

Philco68 didn't go with the LibGuildHistory version because (exact quote from forums) ...

"I can't say I've looked too deeply into the GuildLibHistory library, but it seems like it doesn't return information until it's brought all the guild history in from the server, while the scanning MM, and SK before it do, is as shallow as possible to return an offline sales report ASAP to the user on login."

Which is also the reason I did not go with it when I fixed and updated Shopkeeper.

I believe Deome is re-writing LibGuildHistory right now. You would have to check with him. I wouldn't make any changes to the old version if he intends to switch to a newer version.

One thing being overlooked are these two well written Libs


Have a look at the code - it's quite good and if everyone were to use these or modified version of these (as some features may be missing) there would not be constant "conflicts" as we have now.

I also want to note that there's a bug in the current implementation, that makes the lib unreliable when 2 or more addons use the same category.
Yes and it creates a ton of debug spam blaming any other addon that tries to get history. I didn't like this debug message, I felt it was poorly worded and tbh it was a bit insulting. (ok that was a bit of opinion).


Last edited by dopiate : 04/22/15 at 10:23 AM.
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