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05/01/17, 10:45 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 50
Uploading addons updates on ESOUI and Morrowind NDA

A rather important question for Chip.

While NDA is in effect does it include uploading addons updated with Morrowind support?

Specifically i'm looking for answers to the following questions:

1. Are we legally allowed to upload addons working with Morrowind specific things (like, say, battlegrounds) on while NDA is in effect?

2. If the answer to 1. is a 'yes', then are we legally allowed to upload screenshots with addons' features updated for Morrowind (say, new battlegrounds specific custom interfaces)?

3. If the answer to 1. is a 'yes', then are we legally allowed to include detailed description of the new and/or updated features, that might include details about NDA content (like, you know, battlegrounds:P)?

I think many addons authors working on the updates to their addons will appreciate to know ZOS stance on NDA and addons.

Thank you!
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