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09/30/18, 11:30 AM   #15
sirinsidiator's Avatar
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Matching the addons just by the name in the manifest may end up with an incorrect file as we already have seen with some language patches etc in minion. On the other hand, specifying the addon id could be too restrictive in case some dependency gets abandoned and reuploaded by someone else under a new id. It may be necessary to allow addon authors to specify how the ids are related to each other (language patch, continued version, extension, beta) and also give authors control so they can "block" an id from being considered in case the continued version gets abandoned and the original returns.

Zipping up all dependencies in one archive would be very convenient, but depending on how you do it, it could also produce some broken results. Maybe just put the separate zip files into one big archive instead of their individual content and let the user figure out where to put what, because an author who forgot to structure it correctly or already uses the same folder as one of the other dependencies could end up breaking the downloaded version. If you change the download button to work that way, it might also be nice to have a smaller button that downloads just the addon itself without the dependencies.
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