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04/15/14, 02:46 AM   #18
Tyx's Avatar
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 23
@xevoran yeah that addon looks great - didn't noticed it before, is it new? But like Evilius said it: the time - he use a 4.8h system - is strange.

@Evilius thanks for your work. I think it is easier to find out how long noon is away from the next noon, because it is easier to look at the sun than to find the darkest hour of the night
These are the times I collected yesterday:
left CET and right TST (Tamriel Standard Time )
14:30 12-13h
15:00 14-15h
15:30 16-17h
16:00 18-19h
17:00 ? night
18:00 4-5h dawn
19:00 7h
19:30 9h
20:00 11h
20:30 12-13h
22:00 18-19h sunset
00:00 4-5h dawn

Between the two noons was a 6h wait. And, like you noticed too, the night was 2h long.
I truly hope you are wrong with your 5:30-45h day because it will complicate things^^ But I will test it today

EDIT: I think I have to change my code deeper than I thought. The whole system is based on the 6h system and bugged a lot when I make it a variable... this will take me one day or two.
My plan is to let the user (you) chose to set the time duration (and night) of one day themself or use the default one.
Until we have an exact time (definitely between 5:30 and 6:00h) or an API function this has to do
EDIT2: Damn 6h is it not for sure. The accumulated time delay (the 15min more per "day") have made the sun to set, with the default settings, to 18h (instead of 20h)^^

Last edited by Tyx : 04/15/14 at 07:40 AM.
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