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07/10/23, 04:19 PM   #4
ZOS Staff!
ZOS_DanBatson's Avatar
Yes this person is from ZeniMax!
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 183
The add-on disabling tech is just there in case something catastrophic happens on the order of what happened a few releases ago with NodeDetection crashing clients. Basically a way that we can help players mitigate the bad experience until a solution is put in. Players still have the ability to turn the add-on back on if they so choose, at which point that's expected to be a caveat emptor situation.

It is not a system to prevent exploits or add-ons doing shenanigans, nor is it meant as official approval/disapproval of an add-on. If things work out the way I predict they will, we will literally never even use the feature. But it gives the studio peace of mind of having a tool in our toolkit to help when a crash is introduced and a large number of players are struggling to get past it.

Again, using the NodeDetection thing as an example: ZOS introduced a crash that NodeDetection happened to be tripping over with logic that had historically always been fine. It wasn't a problem with NodeDetection itself. But it would have been nice to be able to disable NodeDetection for people temporarily to help them stop crashing while it got sorted out. And a lot of players use HarvestMap.

It's not a lock down, merely a soft disable on the players' behalf that they can undo locally at will.

Last edited by ZOS_DanBatson : 07/10/23 at 04:23 PM.
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