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05/09/14, 09:05 PM   #1
Blackout STi
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 3
Red face

Originally Posted by Dolby View Post
If you right click on the games on the list in Minion you don't have a remove option?

Can you post your minion.xml? Its located in the windows user directory C:\Users\<your windows username>\.minion\ That is the config file that remembers your game list and AddOns and doesn't get deleted when you uninstall.

The addon backup is located at C:\Users\<your windows username>\.minion\backup\
I do have the option, but clicking it does nothing. I have tried and tried. Doesn't matter what I do, The 'Remove' doesn't work. It did on the Elder Scrolls Online EU entry, but not the 'Elder Scrolls Online' entry.

Here is the XML file your requested:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<login-id>[email protected]</login-id>
<game addon-path="QzpcVXNlcnNcRGVyZWtcRG9jdW1lbnRzXEVsZGVyIFNjcm9sbHMgT25saW5lXGxpdmVcQWRkT25z" auto-update="false" display-name="Elder Scrolls Online" game-id="ESO" unique-game-id="ESO-1"/>
<game addon-path="QzpcVXNlcnNcRGVyZWtcRG9jdW1lbnRzXEVsZGVyIFNjcm9sbHMgT25saW5lXGxpdmVcQWRkT25z" auto-update="false" display-name="Elder Scrolls Online" game-id="ESO" unique-game-id="ESO-1"/>
<game addon-path="QzpcVXNlcnNcRGVyZWtcRG9jdW1lbnRzXEVsZGVyIFNjcm9sbHMgT25saW5lXGxpdmVcQWRkT25z" auto-update="false" display-name="Elder Scrolls Online" game-id="ESO" unique-game-id="ESO-1"/>
<game addon-path="QzpcVXNlcnNcRGVyZWtcRG9jdW1lbnRzXEVsZGVyIFNjcm9sbHMgT25saW5lXGxpdmVldVxBZGRPbnM=" auto-update="false" display-name="Elder Scrolls Online (EU)" game-id="ESO" ignore="true" unique-game-id="ESO-2"/>

I see that the add-path variable is the same on all three entries... And so is the unique-game-id. Will removing the entries from here clear them on my app?

Oh, and every time I open Minion, there are updates listed on all three remaining entries. I can hit 'Update All' on all three of them, close Minion, reopen it and the games will still say they need updated. Kinda strange, One of them says there are 4 updates available, and the other two say that there are 3 updates. Very weird behavior...

Thank you for the location of the backups too. Good to know. I did edit the above XML file by removing the three false entries. There is now the appropriate 1 ESO entry.

Last edited by Blackout STi : 05/09/14 at 09:11 PM.
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