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05/14/14, 12:02 AM   #4
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 3
ESOUI Minion can download but not sync. All of the cloud sync programs won't sync except in the one folder they are set up to. Backup scripts and software would be annoying. I needed a way to setup the ESO AddOns folder so that it was in the Dropbox folder also. NTFS junctions are what is needed. Google it if you want to know what they are.

I tried this with OneDrive and, but they don't handle the NTFS junctions correctly. A fellow guildie pointed out that Dropbox works, so I tried and this is the result.

This worked for me on both of my Win 8.1 systems, modify it to if your particular file locations.

mklink /j "%userprofile%\Dropbox\ESO AddOns" "%userprofile%\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns"

mklink /j "%userprofile%\Dropbox\ESO SavedVariables" "%userprofile%\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\SavedVariables"

mklink /j <link> <target>

The <link> folder would be in your Dropbox folder and the <target> would be your ESO AddOns folder. The same goes for your SavedVariables if you want the settings to copy as well. I have the same resolution screens on my desktop and laptop so this works great.

Run both of the lines (or the 1st) in an elevated command prompt (goolge it). Before you create the junction links on the second computer you will want to pause Dropbox so that it does not immediately start updating from the first computer before your junction links are made.

This works best if you use Minion on only one computer since Minion still doesn't detect addons that it did not install.

Last edited by Quietas : 05/14/14 at 12:16 AM.
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