Thread: AddOn Profiles
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05/14/14, 12:34 AM   #18
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 24
So I glanced at how many addons I'm using atm and its a total of 37 and I would be using more if I had an AddOn Profiler but until someone has the time and feels that this would be a beneficial addon for those of us who do run a lot of addons I probably wont be able to extend past my current amount.

The other option i'm considering is creating macro in macro express to perform the same action. The problem is scripting the macro would take some time and each time u add or subtract an addon it screws up the script. I'm going to see if the script allows tags for actions so I can set a tag for each addon which would solve the problem.

But seriously I'm no programmer but this really shouldn't be that difficult for someone who knows lua scripting. Sure setting up hotkeys maybe but just setting up a simple profile option for addons should not be that hard for someone who does have that knowledge.
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