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05/26/14, 04:21 PM   #6
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 280
Originally Posted by sylance View Post
Ok as a healer/raid leader this has to be the most painstakingly terrible game to group/heal in due to lack of target markers and name plates. Since I have no devoted single target heals if someone is damaged they can never find me to run to me for heals, and some are always attacking the wrong targets.

Please please please please can someone make a simple raid/party target marker addon!!?!?!?

Actually this is unessesary in ESO. Just a few basic rules help (and I had to give simialr explanations in any MMO with PUG's, so it is not a ESO problem):
Tank goes for toughest, non-CC'ed foes first. Do not try to tank whole group (that does not work in ESO)
DPS go for: ENEMY HEALERS FIRST(!*). Then Ranged Foes. Then Melee Foes. Thoughest foes Last (also like in any MMO). Don't break CC. And for Alessias sake, you Interrupt and Revive peopel as DPS. Tank and healer are usually too busy.

*I cannot stress that enough. If I have to hunt for enemy healers as the healer one more time...

Everyone keep in FRONT of the Healer. And try to keep together for the AoE heal. Don't run too far from him either.
Healer: You primary heals are Resto Staff Heals. Templer has some nice passives, but mostly expensive burst heals.
If you have nothing more important to cast, attack with healing staff to Trigger Essence Drain. It's free heals and the enemies go down faster. Win/Win.
Try to keep the first skill (Regeneration, long therm hot) active all the time. Use FTC or other buff tracker to have at least a timer on yourself (so you do not overcast it and waste mana). It will hit people without the hot first, then people with least duraction left. And it is the only one that goes into 360°
If multiple start dropping, use the second skill (Grand Healing, short term hot). It heals a lot more in shorter time, but also cost more mana per heal.
You can use the 3rd Skill (Blessing of Protection) to preemtively boost defenses agaisnt first wave of attacks or when special aoe's fire and you want to make certain people are protected as good as possible if they should fail the dodge.
4th Skill (Steadfast Ward, the Shield) is your emergency heal. It tagets the lowest HP player in front of you. Existing shields are considered for this calculation (so if you have two down, jsut cast it twice).
5th Skill (Force Siphon) effectively that gives all your allies Vampiric healing agaisnt the tagged target.
- so cast it on the toughest foe and keep it online. At least it will simplify healing the Tank (becaue his attacks now heal him too). At best it will also heal the DPS, regardless of their relative position (using ranged while behind you/out of range) once they attack the target.

Also note: If you meet people in teh open world, cast the first Skill on everyone. While they are affected by one of your HoT's, all damage of other players wil be counted as your damage as far as Kill Credit and Loot Rolls are concerned.

Last edited by zgrssd : 05/26/14 at 04:26 PM.
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