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12/07/15, 08:54 PM   #2
sirinsidiator's Avatar
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Nice library. I had plans to add something similar to LAM at some point, but you see how much work I get done on it.

Here are the German translations:
"Addon Keybindings" -- not sure what the German client says about Addons or Keybindings as I play in English. I think simply putting "Addons" or "Erweiterungen" would be ok.
"Switch to profile <<1>>" -> "Zum Profil '<<1>>' wechseln"
"None" -> "Leer" -- would usually mean "Keines" but "Leer" (Empty) is better in this context.
"Profile" -> "Profil"
"Create profile" -> "Profil erstellen"
"Delete profile" -> "Profil löschen"

"Enter the name of the profile you wish to create:" -- There are many ways to translate this and on top of that German has two different forms of speaking. One is more formal and the other more direct.
formal -> "Geben sie einen Namen für das neue Profil ein:" -- This one is pretty safe. Won't offend anyone really.
informal -> "Gib einen Namen für das neue Profil ein:" -- This is how you would say it to a friend. I think it sounds better.
I have no idea how other interface texts are formulated in the German client, so I'll leave the decision to you.

"Do you really want to delete profile <<1>>?"
formal -> "Wollen sie das Profil '<<1>>' wirklich löschen?"
informal -> "Willst du das Profil '<<1>>' wirklich löschen?"

Last edited by sirinsidiator : 12/07/15 at 08:57 PM.
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