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04/28/23, 10:21 AM   #9
ZOS Staff!
ZOS_DanBatson's Avatar
Yes this person is from ZeniMax!
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 195
I've asked QA to look into if there's an uptick in crashes on PTS. If you can send me some information I can look it up faster:

Is this on PTS or Live?
Are you on NA or EU?
What is your character name?
What is your account name?

You can private message me the information if that would make you more comfortable, or message me on the gitter/element/matrix addon dev chat, or just reply here.

In regard to that warning, its really more for my team than for addon devs, which is why it doesn't pop up as an obnoxious UI error for ya'll. As Baertram explained, because you've specified resize and a fixed dimension, the two notions are counter to each other, and the behavior won't do what you might expect it to, namely it won't do what it used to do. So the warning there is to catch places where that is happening so the dev can look at that code and decide if they did it on purpose or if its a mistake. And you can suppress the warning by using resizeToFitConstrains to make it explicit. But the warning itself should not cause anything to crash.
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