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04/18/15, 01:08 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Philgo68 View Post
-- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-- included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

I did not consider a handful of fairly standard lines of code a "substantial portion" of the addon, so I didn't feel the need to include his Copyright.
"Substantial portion" is a legal phrase from the Copyright Act in some jurisdictions, including UK and Canada. I don't know if the phrase is explicitly use in the US Copyright Act itself, but the phrase has a specific meaning in legal / copyright context. Nobody gets to arbitrarily decides what a "substantial portion" is.

Reproduction of a copyrighted work, without a license is considered infringing, with the exception of fair use / fair dealings exemptions (education, criticism, parody, other limited cases) which do not appear to apply in the reproduction in a derivative work.

Additionally, this code has it's roots in the ESO source anyway:
I'm sorry I do not understand yout claim, are you saying that Millus copied code from zo_linkhandler.lua? If so, what is the basis for your claim? Is the code identical?

I have no control over what other say or don't say about your addons, so please don't lay that at my feet.
Yes, but you are in control of the distribution of your addon, and associated documentation and web pages (at least the ones you can edit). You specifically control the license, the source code, and acknowledgements.

That is of course unless you make false claims about Deome or Millus, or egg on those criticisms with your own false or misleading statements.

I can't say I've looked too deeply into the GuildLibHistory library, but it seems like it doesn't return information until it's brought all the guild history in from the server, while the scanning MM, and SK before it do, is as shallow as possible to return an offline sales report ASAP to the user on login.
That sounds like legitimate technical criticism.

Am I correct in that it appears that you, Philgo, admits that you read, if not cut-and-pasted, portion(s) of Millus Roster(? Millus Log?) code, and if I understand correctly also portion(s) of Deome's work in DataDaedra?

I suspect you (Philgo) have erred in not retaining the copyright notice(s), and not distributing your (derived) work under the MIT license agreement.

Frankly the licensing terms are not onerous on any authors, particularly given the nature of source based (Lua) and not-for-profit (ESO Add-on end-user licensing agreement) restrictions, the "MIT" license does tends to promote cooperation and collaboration.

In other words, I think authors that do not have an explicit license to their add-ons should consider the MIT or Expat license as a good choice if they do not have any specific preferences. Since most add-ons are small, I think that the LGPL or Apache 2.0 would be excessive (in text length) for many projects, although otherwise suitable alternatives.

Beyond that you are not required to "be nice" or friendly with Deome and Millus, and I suspect you may not be able to entirely satisfy Deome's wishes or rather quell his(?) angry / frustration, but that is merely speculation on my part.
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