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04/04/17, 03:59 AM   #30
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 40
Intentional or not, it seems that something changed with the way certain scenes work. If an add-on loads up a scene before its been used within secure code, it'll be tainted. This clearly didn't happen before or there wouldn't be so many add-ons having problems with the inventory scene/fragment after Homestead.

You can easily see this by pulling up the inventory scene from insecure code after a fresh load with:
/script SCENE_MANAGER:Show("inventory")
Just doing that will cause secure access errors if you try to do anything uses a protected function, like dragging it or trying to use an item. However if you opened up the inventory via the hotkey before executing that command, everything's fine. Its pretty much the same cause behind the errors with Awesome Guild Store.

This doesn't apply to just the inventory scene either but seemingly all scenes. Say if you do this after a fresh load:
/script MAIN_MENU_KEYBOARD.categoryBar.m_object:SelectDescriptor(MENU_CATEGORY_MARKET)
You'll get an error about it trying to call a private function. But again if you loaded up the scene via the hotkey before executing that command you won't get that error.

My guess is that before Homestead, scenes like these were initialized ahead of time but after Homestead they're getting initialized when they're first used and if that happens to be due to an add-on bring them up then they get initialized in insecure code and remain tainted.
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