Thread: Unique ID
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11/14/17, 10:12 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 3
Unique ID

Hello everyone

Is there a specific function to create an unique ID? The ID could be a string, integer or float. Can work with all of that. It just should be unique over time. As far as I've searched the web, LUA doesn't provide a "get unique" function like other languages.

How I'm doing it now:
a unique ID per day:'D%Y%m%d')
a unique ID over time: string.format('T%s:%s', os.time(), os.rawclock())
Also seen the ESO API functions GetGameTimeMilliseconds() and GetFrameTimeSeconds() but I think it wouldn't make a difference if I don't replace os.rawclock() with it.

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