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03/30/17, 01:06 AM   #13
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 40
Calling "SCENE_MANAGER:Show" to show a built-in scene causes that scene to become tainted as well or at least that's what seems to happen. If you call a scene that way that in turn uses the player inventory fragment before its been used by something else, that in turn becomes tainted as well and remains tainted. Is there anything that can be done about this?

Also perhaps what's considered a protected function could be redetermined as well. For instance, "PickupInventoryItem" could possibly be made non-protected as there's things to prevent you from switching gear while in combat anyways and I don't see why else it would need to be protected than that. Since its used for other things like deleting items and moving items between the bank as well, which can get problematic in cases where you want to do it but a party member forces you into combat. "PickupAbility" is another similar function that would be nice to have non-protected too and has a mechanism to prevent you from switching abilities while in combat. Though in this case, the desire is more of how you can switch abilities while "soft combat," i.e. you're in combat but haven't enagaged in it recently. The game can tell the difference but the protected function mechanism can't. Also, both of these get in the way of using custom textures for item and ability icons through the "RedirectTexture" function. Though its not a common thing, it'd still be nice to do it.
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