Thread: A plea to ZOS
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08/02/16, 11:49 AM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 56
A plea to ZOS

Dear ZOS API devs,

I'd love to be able to code my addon so that if I take a break for 6 months, it keeps working as new zones are added.

Please give us a way to query the zones accessible to a player. Currently I hardcode some zone ids, which makes extra work when new zones are added because I need to update my addon when new content is added to keep it working.

Currently we can halfway achieve this with GetNumZonesForDifficultyLevel and GetCadwellZoneInfo
However, DLC zones aren't included, so must be hard coded.
The beginner zones are not included, either. I don't so much mind hardcoding those because they are unlikely to change.

Hopefully I'm overlooking something and one of the experienced addon authors will tell me "Just do it this way, stupid!"
but if not, please consider my request. Thank you.

Signed: An addon dev with not enough free time who could really use a way to query a list of zones available/accessible to a character
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