Thread: Librarian
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06/25/14, 10:31 PM   #64
Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 2
I wish I had more detailed information to give you, but I'll tell you the process I went through up until I lost my data.

I read about the Saved Variables thing while I was downloading the patch. So when it finished downloading, I loaded the game, but didn't log in, then quit out. I went and changed all of my "@username"s to ""s. Then I went into the game and played this time with no problems. Addons were disabled as all of them were out of date. [Game was updated at this point, addon was not]

This afternoon after work, I came home and downloaded the updated Librarian. As I had already changed my Saved Variables after my game had been patched, I just replaced my Librarian folder in my Addons with the new one. [Now both game and addon are updated]

Loaded the game and I didn't tell the game to load Librarian out of date (thought it would have been marked 'in date', so didn't think I needed to). So when I got into the game (despite it supposedly not loading Librarian, as it's marked out of date) I got a UI Error from several strings listing Librarian. I dismissed the error and logged out. Checked and saw Librarian was listed out of date (but knowing I just updated it), then told the game to load out of date addons (of which I only selected Librarian). Went back into game and Librarian now worked... but that's when I found all my junk missing. Went and checked my Saved Variables file and it still says "", but it's just missing all of my book data.

Again, wish I could provide more details, but I wasn't thinking it would be a problem. But this should at least give you the proper order of events that led to the problem so you might be able to decipher what happened.
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