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06/15/18, 10:51 AM   #1
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Sep 2015
Posts: 260
from which addon this file from?

so i always have this file outside of any addon folder, at AddOns
looks like some of addons everytime installed by minion incorrectly?

cannot find in this file ant signs where it come from


local panelData = {
    type = "panel",
    name = "Window Title",
    displayName = "Longer Window Title",
    author = "Seerah",
    version = "1.3",
    slashCommand = "/myaddon",	--(optional) will register a keybind to open to this panel
    registerForRefresh = true,	--boolean (optional) (will refresh all options controls when a setting is changed and when the panel is shown)
    registerForDefaults = true,	--boolean (optional) (will set all options controls back to default values)

local optionsTable = {
    [1] = {
        type = "header",
        name = "My Header",
        width = "full",	--or "half" (optional)
    [2] = {
        type = "description",
        --title = "My Title",	--(optional)
        title = nil,	--(optional)
        text = "My description text to display. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah - even more sample text!!",
        width = "full",	--or "half" (optional)
    [3] = {
        type = "dropdown",
        name = "My Dropdown",
        tooltip = "Dropdown's tooltip text.",
        choices = {"table", "of", "choices"},
        getFunc = function() return "of" end,
        setFunc = function(var) print(var) end,
        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
        warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
    [4] = {
        type = "dropdown",
        name = "My Dropdown",
        tooltip = "Dropdown's tooltip text.",
        choices = {"table", "of", "choices"},
        getFunc = function() return "of" end,
        setFunc = function(var) print(var) end,
        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
        warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
    [5] = {
        type = "slider",
        name = "My Slider",
        tooltip = "Slider's tooltip text.",
        min = 0,
        max = 20,
        step = 1,	--(optional)
        getFunc = function() return 3 end,
        setFunc = function(value) d(value) end,
        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
        default = 5,	--(optional)
    [6] = {
        type = "button",
        name = "My Button",
        tooltip = "Button's tooltip text.",
        func = function() d("button pressed!") end,
        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
        warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
    [7] = {
        type = "submenu",
        name = "Submenu Title",
        tooltip = "My submenu tooltip",	--(optional)
        controls = {
            [1] = {
                type = "checkbox",
                name = "My Checkbox",
                tooltip = "Checkbox's tooltip text.",
                getFunc = function() return true end,
                setFunc = function(value) d(value) end,
                width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
                warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
            [2] = {
                type = "colorpicker",
                name = "My Color Picker",
                tooltip = "Color Picker's tooltip text.",
                getFunc = function() return 1, 0, 0, 1 end,	--(alpha is optional)
                setFunc = function(r,g,b,a) print(r, g, b, a) end,	--(alpha is optional)
                width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
                warning = "warning text",
            [3] = {
                type = "editbox",
                name = "My Editbox",
                tooltip = "Editbox's tooltip text.",
                getFunc = function() return "this is some text" end,
                setFunc = function(text) print(text) end,
                isMultiline = false,	--boolean
                width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
                warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
                default = "",	--(optional)
    [8] = {
        type = "custom",
        reference = "MyAddonCustomControl",	--unique name for your control to use as reference
        refreshFunc = function(customControl) end,	--(optional) function to call when panel/controls refresh
        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
    [9] = {
        type = "texture",
        image = "EsoUI\\Art\\ActionBar\\",
        imageWidth = 64,	--max of 250 for half width, 510 for full
        imageHeight = 64,	--max of 100
        tooltip = "Image's tooltip text.",	--(optional)
        width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)

local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
LAM:RegisterAddonPanel("MyAddon", panelData)
LAM:RegisterOptionControls("MyAddon", optionsTable)
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