Wobin's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Interface Comment Reverse Sort Order
141 cannot put items into bank with v1.2 04/12/14 01:48 PM Saint-Ange Fixed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1462 Still displays information about recipes known by characters that have been deleted 09/12/15 07:31 AM beetlewalk Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
310 Not updated when learning a new recipe. 04/22/14 02:40 AM wmrojer Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
621 Locks up sometimes 05/08/14 06:59 PM dragonofmagik Fixed Roomba - Guildbank Stacker None.
1516 Character Deletion Feature 11/21/15 10:18 AM Donna.Avalon Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
823 Incorrectly added checkmark on known recipe 06/09/14 03:07 PM Kiada Already Reported Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1180 V2.1.7 Ingredient Level showing as white square in inventory 12/13/14 11:54 PM hisdad Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
977 displays no data at all 07/26/14 06:22 AM ckr Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1080 doesn't work for all characters 10/10/14 09:26 AM Texximus Unconfirmed Guild Chat None.
1320 auto junker not working 04/23/15 03:28 PM solipsis Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1119 Lua error when accessing cooking fire after patch 1.5.2 11/04/14 01:50 PM OmniusPrime Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1149 ESO patched again 11/22/14 05:04 PM gespensen Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1150 UI Load Erors 11/23/14 06:59 AM Dargathi Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1152 Not loading. Error on login 11/23/14 01:09 PM Diskutility Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1153 ESO Crashes on Guild Store access 11/25/14 02:06 AM TeaCii Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1461 Still displays information about recipes known by characters that have been deleted 09/12/15 07:27 AM beetlewalk Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1331 Opening my own Bank -> lua error with Keybind strip 04/30/15 03:03 AM Baertram Unconfirmed Roomba - Guildbank Stacker None.
1771 Cannot See Alts who know a recipe 07/03/16 06:19 AM Aldrama Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1479 Doesn't show ingredient for recipe 09/27/15 07:42 PM AshenEU Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1853 Error message keeps popping up 10/30/16 10:46 PM keegankong Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1880 Error Message 12/21/16 06:05 AM Dartharc Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1829 Recipe error 10/02/16 12:56 PM Son_Of_Diablo Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1743 Error when a recipe is in the displayed list; Backpack, guild store, or bank 06/05/16 06:40 PM scopa02 Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
1736 Dark Brotherhood API errors 06/03/16 06:30 PM delegator Unconfirmed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search) None.
137 Problem if I put things into the Bank 04/12/14 09:04 AM revil Fixed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
By: Teryl
04/12/14 10:32 AM
146 Sous Chef error on starting 04/12/14 09:30 PM satinembers Not a Bug Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
By: Wobin
04/12/14 09:51 PM
155 Missing Checkmark 04/13/14 04:35 PM Azbandar Not a Bug Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
By: Azbandar
04/13/14 04:38 PM
127 No marks on ingredients 04/11/14 11:16 AM hjortron Fixed Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
By: Zadias Stark
04/19/14 08:17 PM
150 No indicators showing for my provisioning ingredients 04/13/14 08:29 AM Kairatol Cant Reproduce Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
By: Wobin
04/20/14 08:19 AM
240 Not all ingredients lev are showen 04/20/14 11:50 AM kratcha Not a Bug Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
By: Wobin
04/20/14 06:36 PM