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    View Bug Report
    Unable to change selection when multiple saved sets exist - Wykkyd's Outfitter ver
    Bug #: 1041
    File: Wykkyd Outfitter
    Date: 09/04/14 12:47 PM
    By: honeyslaughter
    Status: Not a Bug
    Hi, this bug occurs in both 'Outfitter Gear' and 'Outfitter Skills' where multiple sets exist. New sets can be created correctly but when the user wishes to either update or simply equip and it's necessary to select other than the 'current selection' in the small box, then the UP / DOWN buttons do nothing. It's also impossible to use keyboard UP/DOWN keys and it's unclear if that functionality is supposed to be included.

    This makes Outfitter currently unusable for more than one set or Gear or Skills. I'm running windows 7 Professional 64bit.

    I have tested with both imported sets prior to your recent rewrite and also have then removed the older Addon Folders and stored Variable files to 'clean up' before then reinstalling ver, without the depreciated folder and data, making brand new test sets to test again. The results did not vary :-(

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    By: Wykkyd - 09/04/14 01:33 PM