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Icons not selectable.
Bug #: 1446
File: Potion Maker (for Alchemy Crafting)
Date: 09/02/15 05:38 PM
By: Rousta
Status: Fixed
Not sure if it is just me but I can only select the boxes ie "Check all", "Use selected reagents only" and etc but the items must have, solvents, and reagents are not working. Tooltip works when I mouse over the items but nothing is selectable to search or create potions. I was looking at the screenshots where the red box around the "Must have" is selected well i do not get that. Not sure if it's just me and I am doing something wrong but any advice will help Thanks in advance. Oh just for info the prior version before the update work perfect for me.

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By: Rousta - 09/03/15 04:34 AM
Facit, I log on this morning and everything is working as advertised. So it must have been my computer that was the problem or maybe just operator error LoL. Thanks for your time on this addon.