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No indicators showing for my provisioning ingredients
Bug #: 150
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
Date: 04/13/14 08:29 AM
By: Kairatol
Status: Cant Reproduce
Hi, I installed sous chef today but it's not working. There is no indicator for the mats I have in my bags for the recipes I have. I have tried previous version to no avail. Here are screenshots. Thanks

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By: Wobin - 04/15/14 06:29 AM
can you try /scstats and post what result you get?
By: Sgt.Weirdo - 04/18/14 07:38 AM
I have the same problem, though it did work before.
No idea when it started, been playing an alt for a while.
Recipes Known: 44
Ingredients tracked: 39

The one single item that gets an indicator are Plump Maggots (Cat 2)
The rest I have in my inv atm are all Cat 3
I've just been to a cooking station, unchecked both 'materials' and 'skills' and even tried deleting the SavedVariables and disabling other addons
By: Wobin - 04/18/14 07:41 AM
So with only this addon running, you only get an indicator on a single ingredient in your inventory?
By: Sgt.Weirdo - 04/18/14 07:41 AM
Clicking on the items does show the recipes they're used in, as intended.
So that's working fine.
By: Wobin - 04/20/14 08:19 AM
Can you try the 'bolder icon' option? It seems it's storing all the right information, and if it's showing on one, it should really show on everything else...

Could you post your savedVariable file to and put the link here?