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Quickslot will be shown inside skills window if I change weapon slots
Bug #: 1559
File: Greymind Quick Slot Bar
Date: 02/19/16 09:49 AM
By: Baertram
Status: Unconfirmed
Hey there,

after your last update where you addresed the quickslot control which was not always hidden properly:

If you press the "K" key to open the skills window (or use any other button to get there from the menu e.g.) you current weapon war will be shown below the skills.

If you swtich the weapon bar now the quickslot will be shown left to the weapon bar all of sudden.

Please fix your changes so the quickslot won't be shown inside the skill seleciton window!
Lua Code:
  1. --do something like
  2. if ZO_Skills:IsHidden() then
  3. --Show the quickslot control next to the weapon bars
  4. end
