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Not showing "Fed on Ally" timer (Vampire).
Bug #: 1699
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker
Date: 03/22/16 06:38 PM
By: Darkindica
Status: Unconfirmed
Can't get the add-on to display the remaining CD time on my vamp bite. It is not disabled through options. I even tried setting it up in a separate aura box with the prominent buff feature. It does not seem to detect it. I have tried entering it in as "Fed on Ally" which is what the aura is called. I have also tried entering "Blood Ritual" which is the vampire passive that allows you to feed on allies.

By all looks of it your add-on is supposed to support and display it, and has options for it. But I'm getting nothing. And yes I did confirm that my bite was on CD.

Small issue other wise add-on is great.