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MM is not reading my trader guild logs
Bug #: 2622
File: Master Merchant
Date: 05/04/20 04:02 AM
By: NStunner
Status: Unconfirmed
Hi, my mm addon is ridiculous nowadays, it is not reading my Aetherius Trade logs. i deleted it 4 days ago and reinstalled it. it worked that day, but when i logoff and relogin, mm nis not working again for 4 days. it is reading my other non-trader guilds's logs, but not reading my Aetherius trade guild logs. i didnt add to blacklist. I also have another request, I wish the blacklist option was user-friendly. We don't know what we add after we add it, we can't undo it. already 4 days ago all my price data went to the trash, Please solve this problem.