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2 problems (1 of them since newer version came out)
Bug #: 278
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
Date: 04/21/14 10:30 AM
By: Sinful Soul
Status: Fixed
Hi there,

I have come across 2 bugs, 1 since the add-on came to be, and another quite recent.

First, there are many ingredients that don't show the symbol next to them indicating the tier they belong to.

I took a screenshot showing exactly what I mean. Here's the link for the screenshot:

Note that when I left clicked on Frog Legs and it shows all the recipes that I could be using it on, yet it doesn't have a tier associated with it.

These are the other ingredients that don't have a tier associated with them: Ash Millet, Barley, Caramalt, Chaurus Meat, Frog Legs, Lado Grapes, Oat Mash, Oats, Red Wheat, River Grapes, Saltrice, Sifted Flour, Spring Essence and Suet.

/scstats results:

Number of recipes known: 204
Number of ingredients tracked: 101

Secondly, starting with version 1.6.1 it no longer shows the check mark on the AH, inventory, etc for unknown recipes. I noticed that after I found a purple recipe and it didn't have the check mark and I didn't believe I didn't have it and I looked and I didn't indeed have it. I wonder how many other recipes I sold on the vendor and/or the Guild Bank because I so blindly trusted the add-on to tell me which recipes I had or not. I tried the v1.6.2 but it also isn't working for the check marks letting me know if I need that recipe or not, so until that's solved I'm using v1.6 which is the last version that truly works. I deleted every single .lua file from the SavedVariables folder, hence having to set up all my add-ons again, and still didn't work with the new version.

Add-ons I'm using (as they are shown on Minion): Alchemist, Bank Stuffer, BatmanStoreFilter, Combat Indicator, Craft XP Msg, Criscal's Enchantability Display (Check Enchantment), Esohead, Foundry Tactical Combat, Guild Store Search Extended, HarvestMap (EsoheadMarkers), Inventory Grid View, Inventory Item Borders, Loot Filter, Lootdrop Continued (All in One), LoreBooks, Multi-Quest Tracker, PSBT, PSBT Veteran Fix, QueueQueue, Research Assistant, Reticle Settings (Custom Crosshair), Show Motifs, Simple Chat Bubbles, Simple Combat Alerts, SkyShards, SoftcapInfo, Sous Chef, Thurisaz Guild Info, Trade Sales History, TreasureMaps, WarLegend Group Frame, Weapon Charge Alert, Wykkyd's Framework, Wykkyd's Outfitter, XTimestamp, ZrMiniMap, ZrMiniMap Zoom also for Dungeons/Town.

Thank you for this great add-on. I'd love to see all the problems fixed in time.

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By: Wobin - 04/21/14 10:55 AM
Could you temporarily upgrade to the latest version and post your SV file to and link it here? I need to see how the formatting and recipe matching are failing. What recipe did you find the error with?

I'll be uploading a fix for the frogs legs, which I believe is a tier 3 ingredient. The texture on that image was sized incorrectly, and so it didn't show up. If you could double check for me with the alternate number textures to see if it shows up then?

Also ensure that the settings for known/unknown are as expected. There might have been some wipes of saved variables as certain formats were updated with some versions.
By: Sinful Soul - 04/21/14 12:13 PM
Okay, so I deleted my old .lua in SV folder and tried the new version. I opened my bank and none of the things in there had an icon next to it, so I figured I'd have to go to a cooking fire so that the add-on could learn my recipes. After I clicked on a cooking fire and went back to the bank, the icons showed up.

Now for the good part, it seems like the Tier 3 mats are showing up now. (yay)

And for the bad part, the recipes are still not showing up, whether unknown/known in the Guild Store. I tried closing the client, going to a mule with crafting ingredients and they all showed up the proper tier for the ingredients. I switched to my main and all worked too. The only problem is with the recipes not displaying whether known or unknown in the Guild Store and for someone like me, that likes to check the Guild Store everyday for recipes I don't have, this is a killer. I deleted the .lua in the SV folder, unzipped the old version 1.6 and it worked perfectly showing that checkmark next to the recipe I don't know in the Guild Store.

Also, the problem is only with the Guild Store. It will show the check mark IF the recipe is in my inventory. But if I put that recipe that I don't know up on the Guild Store for sale, the same recipe that had the check mark in my inventory letting me know I didn't yet know that recipe, will not have the check mark on the Guild Store. That's with the 1.6.1, 1.6.2 and 1.6.3 versions. The 1.6 version will show the checkmark on the Guild Store letting me know I don't know that recipe yet.

Here's the .lua (newly created with the version 1.6.3):

Settings wise, I have it to "unknown" and all 3 options below set to ON.
By: Wobin - 04/21/14 06:39 PM
Ah, Guild store.

I'll look into that.
By: Sinful Soul - 04/21/14 10:57 PM
Found something new. I don't wanna start a new bug report entry, so I'll just put it in here if that's okay.

The recipe "Sylph Gin Recipe" is marked as not known, but it actually is known. I tried reinstalling all versions, deleting the SV .lua and nothing works. But I went to the SV .lua and noticed that it's marked as "sylphy" instead of "sylph" so perhaps that's why it has this one marked as not known, because of that letter y at the end of Sylph that isn't there for the actual recipe name so the add-on tries to match that typo against the actual recipe name.
By: Wobin - 04/21/14 11:47 PM
Hm, That's irritating, the end product of the recipe is "Sylphy gin"

I'm not really sure what can be done about that aside from single exceptions.
By: Wobin - 04/21/14 11:47 PM
And finding/maintaining that exception list will be annoying =\
By: Wobin - 04/22/14 01:13 AM
Could you bug report this recipe? I'll do the same, and hopefully they'll fix the typo