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Skyshard on compass in Cyrodiil when there shouldn't be
Bug #: 309
File: SkyShards
Date: 04/21/14 11:56 PM
By: Chuck1411
Status: Fixed
I have both your skyshards and lorebooks addons, and seeing the same issue with both.

I have both skyshards and lorebooks turned off when I've collected them. Yet, I'm seeing both on my compass in Cyrodiil, but none are on my map showing as uncollected. Currently, I'm at Nikel Outpost and show a lorebook, just north of west somewhere outside the Outpost. Earlier I was east of Fort Ash showing a skyshard further east, but I have all the skyshards of Cyrodiil already collected and the achievements for them.

Great addons, thanks.

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By: Garkin - 04/22/14 04:51 AM
It seems that compass pins are not correctly updated when icon texture is changed, ReloadUI works, but it is unpleasant. I have to do some more testing.

Note: Lorebook icons will be removed from Cyrodiil. It seems that all books in Cyrodiil were removed (or moved to different place) in one of game patches.