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Not Displaying Anything In Game
Bug #: 494
File: Sous Chef - Provisioning Helper (Recipe helper/search)
Date: 04/28/14 09:50 AM
By: PsychicSmurf
Status: Fixed
/scstats shows:

Number of recipes known: 82
Number of ingredients tracked: 70

I disabled all other addons.

No icons shown when viewing ingredients in my inventory
No icons shown when viewing ingredients in my bank

Addon was downloaded & installed today.

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By: PsychicSmurf - 04/28/14 10:26 AM
I also removed all other addons out of the addon directory (as I've had addons generate bug reports even when disabled!) so just had Sous Chef running.

Still no icons in inventory of bank.

Saw another post mentioning Research Assistant. Is this a requirement for this to run?
By: Wobin - 04/28/14 12:04 PM
Not at all. Could you post your SV file?
By: PsychicSmurf - 04/28/14 12:13 PM
This one:
By: Wobin - 04/28/14 12:41 PM
Don't really see an issue with the data. Are you sure you have ingredients in your bank that match your recipes?
By: PsychicSmurf - 04/28/14 12:43 PM
Well, when I go to a fire, I could make a load of level 1 stuff, and some level 20, so yeah.
There would be quite a few recipes that I only have some of the ingredients too.

Nothing shows up for alts either.

Unless I'm missing something.

Install addon. Visited a fire (in case it needed to 'see' my recipes)
Open Inventory/Bank

Should see icons next to ingredients?
By: Wobin - 04/28/14 12:44 PM
Make a few screenshots if you could. Are you getting the checkmarks on known/unknown recipes?
By: PsychicSmurf - 04/28/14 12:50 PM
No. I'm not getting any marks at all. I've gone through all the settings, but nothing makes anything show up. Will get screenshots now.
By: PsychicSmurf - 04/28/14 12:59 PM
Bank (2 shots)
Inventory (2 shots)
By: PsychicSmurf - 04/28/14 01:03 PM
Ok, crisis averted!

Despite other addons I've had being able to run after a simple /reloadui, or sometimes a logout and login again, it would appear that Sous Chef required me to completely log out & quit back to desktop (something I rarely do) and then rerun everything for it to start working!

Many thanks for trying to sort this out, and hopefully this thread will avoid other people having the same problem!