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global settings
Bug #: 496
File: ins:JunkYard
Date: 04/28/14 10:51 AM
By: Sgt.Weirdo
Status: Unconfirmed
something wrong with the global settings, can't quite figure it out
it seems to revert to default settings whenever I zone/reloadui/relog

not going to list everything I tried, that would be too confusing
but I did log out, then delete the SV file, log back in and set global to false first thing
when I then do a /reloadui and open the nice new menu suddenly everything is set to off

okay tried something else just now
log out / delete SV / log in / first a reloadui to create the default SV file then set global to false / reloadui / set settings as desired / another relog just for kicks
now they seem to be saved :)

(didn't try it on any alt yet, though)