View Feature Request
type = "texture" - imageColor = {r,g,b,a} - update / type = "submenu" - defaultOpen = bool
Feature #: 456
File: LibAddonMenu-2.0
Date: 06/14/14 08:11 PM
By: deathangel1479
Status: Flagged for Future Version

Please add for type texture a color setting and update from settings.
Please add for type submenu a default open/close setting.

Think this is easy to do and I will love your Addon!

Thanks :)

Sorry for my bad english!

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By: Seerah - 06/15/14 05:09 PM
I may add more to the texture control in a later version.

I won't be adding a default to open setting for submenus. That kind of defeats the whole idea of what a submenu is.

If all you want is to section off a group of options, give them a heading.
By: deathangel1479 - 06/15/14 08:07 PM
No more need the texture updates, for me. I have created a own additional wideget scriptfile for me, because i need very special texture wideget.

I dont mean that the submenus stay open or close permanent.
I mean you can set that main option sub is open and other option subs are closed if you open settings.
So you see main option sub if you open settings, but can close main option sub to have better overview.

I have so much settings and if all subs are open and you reopen the settings, they are furthermore open and you find nothing. Takes a lot time to close all subs or scroll to find the right one.

Hope you understand me, its very hard to explain in english for me.
By: Seerah - 06/15/14 11:06 PM
Ah, okay. I understand now.