View Feature Request
Code to check if my addon is out of date
Feature #: 468
File: LibOrangUtils
Date: 06/26/14 08:01 AM
By: zgrssd
Status: Currently Working On
When looking for a way to noticed changes of the API version, Shinni got this idea to figure out if my addon is marked as "Out of Date":
    local AddOnManager = GetAddOnManager()
    for i = 1, AddOnManager:GetNumAddOns() do
            local name, title, author, description, enabled, state, isOutOfDate = AddOnManager:GetAddOnInfo(i)
        if title == "myaddonname" then
            if isOutOfDate then
                --api change!
Now that is the kind of data that would best be aquired once during OnLoaded event by a library and then given to other code as needed via a API calls.
Translating those return values to a table indexed by addon name seems easy. And it does look like all of that should be known before the actuall addon is loaded (as the data is avaible from the Addon Selection).

Any chance you could add this? Or would that be out of the scope of Orang Utils?

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By: thelegendaryof - 07/02/14 07:23 AM
I'll see if I can add it - I'm currently not playing actively neither developing (to few personal time).