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Welcome to KallaK's Domain the Home of LootFilter for ESO.
04/07/14 08:22 AM by: Kallak
Hi all Just wanted to let you know that I will be delaying the update to lootfilter as I am working wrapping up a UI creator libary for ESO just something simple to help the community out a little and get around the problems I have ran into with the UI limitations and having to make work arounds.

I will hopefully have the Beta Libary out tomorrow and the lootfilter update soon after that.

Hi all Just thought I would update you all on how things are going with Loot Filter and its mainly good with a little bad I have to get over or around.

Black Listing and white Listing is implemented in my development model and its working well with the downfall of UI problems / limitations for displaying the actual lists of items but with a little time, effort, research and maybe some help from other authors I will have it cracked. So for now while I work on the UI problems I have slash commands for removing items from the black and white lists which sucks really badly but I won't release 1.0 without the UI.

With the inclusion of the white and black lists I will be removing other sections ( Lures, Potions ) as these are buggy filters.
04/03/14 03:36 PM by: Kallak
Hi all just wanted to let you all know that todays big update will be delayed simply because of the server downtime.. And I do want to get some leveling in today.
04/03/14 08:55 AM by: Kallak
Uploaded a quick fix version with a few fixes / temp fixes for persistent problems just to clear some development time up and hopefully find time to level or real life
04/03/14 07:17 AM by: Kallak
Today should see a delivery of changes to the core of LF with new code for the filtering, new features once I decide which are to be included after testing them all later today. This should of been tested and out now but the server downtime shafted me in the arse.

Also a massive thanks Xzandro for some rather effiecient code which will be appearing in the next update after testing.
