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Updated: 04/11/16 04:50 PM
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Thieves Guild (2.3)
Updated:04/11/16 04:50 PM
Created:04/08/16 11:46 AM
Monthly downloads:21
Total downloads:4,804
Chat Sound Alerts
Version: 1.0.1
by: uladz [More]

What does this addon do?

This addon will play a sound of your choice (from a list of pre-selected in-game sounds) for a variety of events and conditions in the in-game chat. Different sounds can be selected for different events individually to make it easier to distinguish one from another.

Current events on which you can receive an alert:
  • Any guild messages (including officer messages).
  • Per zone messages (including language-specific).
  • Whispers / tells / says / yells / emotes (including monster).
  • Group / party / leader messages.

Conditions you can select:
  • In-combat or out-of-combat.
  • In AvA zone or out-of-AvA.
  • Force whisper or yell notification.
  • Force party leader notifications.
  • Frequency of notification.

Other features:
  • Excludes yourself from notifications.
  • Can synchronize settings with "Simple Chat Bubbles" addon (v2.2.0+ only).

For any sounds that are not available but you think are suitable/needed for chat message alerts - let me know which one you want to have to be added to the lists! For now I have just grabbed a list of sounds that I have found most suitable to my taste, it does not mean that there are no other good alert sounds in game .

How do I configure it?

The addon is designed to be extremely flexible and can be easily configured according to your preferences and liking. You can find the settings in [Addon Settings] -> [Chat Sound Alerts]. In the Chat Sound Alerts section you will find everything you need precisely configure and fine tune the addon to your individual needs. It is pretty straight forward and the tooltips on mouse overs has even more detailed information.

Chat commands

The following commands are supported in chat window:
  • /mute - mutes all sound notifications.
  • /unmute - un-mutes previously muted notifications.

Group leader chat notification

Unique feature that I have "spyed" for awesome The Master's Voice addon, all credits for this idea does to HomoPuerRobustus. The addon can play a dedicated sound alert whenever the group leader says something in chat so you don't miss important messages in the heat of battle. Extremely useful feature IMHO.


GitHub repository

Chat Sound Alerts is now on GitHub, join us for development, maintenance, and bug fixing!

How to report a bug?
  • The best would be to file an issue on github because this is where all the action happens. One way or another all reported issues will end up there.
  • Another option is to post a comment on the addon comments page. I monitor the page and will get a notification once you post something there.
  • And of course you can send me PM @uladz. You have any questions, issue, suggestions - don't hesitate to reach me out.

What's up next?
  • Add "conversation notification" feature.
  • Allow to specify a blacklist of players you don't want it to make a notification for.
  • Add feature "alert trigger on custom words/phrases if said in chat".
  • Add feature "alert when a contact comes online/offline".
  • Add feature "alert on messages from contacts".
  • Add feature "alert when your name said in chat".
  • Allow you to individually choose which contacts play a sound or not.

  • ZeniMax Online Studios for creating this awesome game .
  • sirinsidiator and Seerah for LibAddonMenu-2.0 - so much time saved!
  • HomoPuerRobustus for "The Master's Voice" - that was my starting point and inspiration!
1.0.1 "Aqua Aluminium Cod"
* Minor version fix for Simple Chat Bubbles.
* Updated LibAddonMenu-2.0 to r20.

1.0.0 "Aqua Aluminium Oyster"
* You can choose from any combination of chat channels.
* You can choose alarm sounds per channel group.
* Supports account-wide or per-character settings.
* Can work together with SimpleChatBubbles addon to sync channel settings.
* Many sounds to select from and human readable sound names (not just IDs).
* Can print short summary of settings at startup (optional).
* You can choose in-combat or out-of-combat notification conditions.
* You can choose alliance war or out-of-war notification conditions.
* Whisper notifications can be enforced.
* Crown (party leader) notifications can be enforced.
* Frequency of notification can be adjusted.
* Notifications from player can be muted or enabled.
* Introduces new LibAddonAPI library (to be release separately soon).
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04/08/16 11:46 AM

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