(286 Kb)
Updated: 08/21/24 10:04 PM
File Info
Update 43 (10.1.0)
Updated:08/21/24 10:04 PM
Created:05/24/17 11:24 PM
Monthly downloads:8,654
Total downloads:1,001,130
Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
by: Dolgubon [More]
Dolgubon's Lazy Set Crafter
Now with furniture crafting too!

This addon lets you easily make sets of gear of yourself, or other players, at any quality! You can even access the UI from anywhere, so you'll never have to worry about forgetting an order again! Once added to the queue, the addon will also tell you how many materials are required.

Once you've added a piece to the crafting queue, the addon will craft it when you arrive at a station where it can do so, assuming you have the knowledge and materials to make it.

You can set:

/dsc , /dlsc , /setcrafter - Opens the Set Crafter UI
You can also set a keybinding in the Controls menu, or simply visit any equipment Crafting Station to open the UI. (If the setting is on)

Note: If you only see helms, please logout and login to fix it. Textures require a full restart of the game to show up.

Planned Features:
Mail to player option DONE
Public API - maybe

Thanks to all the beta testers who helped out, as well as @xpleader, @PaigeEvenstar, @HappyElephant and Memoraike who helped with translations.

This addon contains LibCustomTitles. If you want to disable this library, check out DisableLibCustomTitles
Allergy Warning: This addon may contain eggs, especially on Easter and other holidays.


Fixed a bug which prevented adding jewelry item links to the queue


API Bump
Improved the error message shown when users attempt to queue up an item link that does not have a style
Some format fixes for the XML files


API Bump
Fixed the bug where you were unable to port to a crafting house on the EU megaserver

Version 3.0.4:

API Bump
That's it.

What?? It got a whole bunch of major updates this year already, I can do a lazy update for once!

Version 3.0.3:

Fixed bug where porting to crafting house would say that it was on PTS, when not on PTS.

Related LLC Update:
LLC Version 4.004 - Unknown recipes will now populate the material requirements list

Version 3.0.2:

Fixed a bug with enchanting furniture recipes not showing material requirements
Changed the UI of the recipe list. First, it now uses a scroll list, instead of a tree, like the base game. As such, there is basically no longer any lag at all. Second, there is now a *second* scroll list, which has buttons for the different categories. By default, the list will now show all of the recipes. (under food/drink/furniture) Once you click a category (e.g. delicacies or suite) then only that category will be shown. You can show multiple categories at once.
Favourites are now working for furniture recipes!

Known bug: Unknown recipes will not populate the material requirements list - fixed with LLC version 4.004

Version 3.0.1:

Added a multiplier field, so you can add more than one copy of an item to the queue. At this time, it will still craft them one at a time.
Unknown recipes are now shown. Known recipes will have a checkmark
A checkbox has been added to show only known recipes
Changes have been made to how the furniture list is loaded. It will take a bit longer, but will not lag/freeze your game anymore. Also, the list will be inactive until it has finished loading.
Fixed a bug where items without an enchantment would be listed as having a normal enchant when using the request to chat or mail request features

Version 3.0.0:

Added furniture crafting!! (and food and drinks to celebrate newly decorating your house)
Please note that this is a new, large functionality. There may be minor bugs, and more features are already planned. For now, please do report bugs, but do not request more features around furniture (as they're probably already on the to-do list)
Also, note that you must update LLC, and Writ Worthy requires an update for crafting some furniture items

Non exhaustive list of furniture related stuff:
You can swap between the list of Food, Drinks, and furniture recipes
Furniture patterns are all contained in one list, regardless of station!
Note that for now, you do need to know the pattern for it to show up.
A tooltip will show you the item while you are mousing over it
You can search the list of recipes by string
A label tells you what recipe is currently selected
Recipes in the list are coloured based on the quality of the recipe.
Furnishing has been integrated into request to chat, materials to chat, mailing requests, and mailing materials, as well as loading from mails!
You can close all the categories for easy scrolling (this one was annoying to do and I'm proud I got it to work :D )
You can add furniture, food and drinks to the queue and, obviously, it crafts them!!

Non furniture additions:
Mails now properly separate by the set name, if there are multiple sets in the same mail. Furniture/food will also be separated
Various strings and values have been moved to the localization file to allow for easier localization. Note however, that these strings are still not actually translated

Version 2.8.7:

Added formatting to the gold cost display

Version 2.8.6:

Added a new button that ports to various houses that have complete grandmaster crafting stations

Version 2.8.5:

API Bump
Requires newest version of LLC! Please note that it is not backwards compatible with the game - so please wait until after the Update 40 maintenance to update. This update is REQUIRED to use the new consolidated crafting stations!
Fixed a bug with favorites where attempting to load a queue with the current level would result in an error if the items did not have any enchantments
Fixed the auto craft and mimic stone checkbox alignments so they no longer overlap the title
Changed feedback gold buttons. Inflation is crazy!

Version 2.8.4:

API Bump
Updated LAM

Version 2.8.3:

API Bump
Sorry, that's all for this one this time

Version 2.8.2:

Enlarged the clickable portion of the toggle button

Version 2.8.1:

API Bump
Added Chinese (ZH) translation
Fixed a bug where loading favourite with the currently selected level with an enchantment would add an enchantment at the saved level instead of the currently selected level

Version 2.8.0:

JP translation update

Version 2.7.9:

API Bump

Version 2.7.8:

API Bump
Fixed a bug where attempting to load a saved queue which had items without enchantments, with a craft multiplier, would load but not craft the multiple items
Fixed a bug where loading with the currently selected level was not actually crafting the items at that level
Above includes fixing the mouse over item link so it shows the correct level

Version 2.7.7:

Fixed a lua error when mousing over the non scrollable dropdowns

Version 2.7.6:

Fixed the lua error on login, as well as a bug (that could not be seen due to the first error) that prevented selecting dropdowns.
Added the option to load a saved queue favourite with the currently selected level.

Version 2.7.5:

API Bump

Version 2.7.4:

API Bump

Version 2.7.3:

API bump
Note that it won't have the new sets quite yet

Version 2.7.2:

Used correct API Version

Version 2.7.1:

API Bump

Version 2.7.0:

API Bump
Added reset a patterns button
Added the ability to switch between pricing sources
Fixed some bugs in the ATT price integration
Added a window for showing update notes

Version 2.6.92:

Actually fixed the MM price interaction
Items which are non CP will no longer have the level as 'cannot craft'
Fixed the toggle button not showing up on login in some instances

Version 2.6.91:

Fixed the MM price interaction

Version 2.6.9:

API Bump
Added a tooltip to tell the user what pricing addon is being used
Added the ability to pull pricing info from Arkadius Trade Tools

Version 2.6.7:

Fixed a bug where old favourites from before the recent changes could not be loaded

Version 2.6.6:

API Bump
Added a button to show/hide the favourites window. As a result, the option in the settings menu to show/hide it has been removed.
Added the option to save the queue as a favourites. The previous behaviour of saving the selections is still available
Increased the minimum height of the window, so that when resizing the queue always has a backdrop
Also, as a result of the related LLC update:
Indeko glyphs can now be selected as an option
Fixed a bug where smithing items would never craft more than 6 at a time
Fixed a bug where some CP items were said to require the wrong materials
Attempting to craft jewelry from newer sets will now work properly

Version 2.6.5:

Fixed a bug where after some sustained use the dropdowns would start acting up, as the internal info was not being properly cleared
Associated LLC update fixed a bug where when the level did not correspond to an actual enchantment, no enchant would be applied to the item tooltip preview
Fixed a bug where item tooltip previews were using the weapon enchants

Version 2.6.4:

Added a keybind to add items in the mail to the queue

Version 2.6.3:

Fixed non outputting Requirements to Chat button

version 2.6.2:

Fixed a bug where you would be unable to mail a request
Fixed a bug where the auto crafting choice would not be set properly upon login/reloadui

Version 2.6.1:

Fix some bugs with removing items from the queue

Version 2.6.0:

API Bump
Added minimum version LLC dependency. You will need to update. Updating will allow proper functionality with new version of Set Crafter, as well as add Greymoor sets. Will also stop errors when mousing over dropdowns.
Now uses the instant multicrafting! If you queue an item with a multiplier, instead of creating x separate items in the queue, it'll create one row with a #x indicator, and all items (gear and enchantments) will be created in one craft action! Note that improving still requires it to be one at a time, and applying enchantments will take some time as well.
Added an option to hide the favourites window
Favourites window will now resize along with the main set crafter window
Selecting a saved favourite will now properly select the correct armour weight
When sending a request, Jewelry items will no longer have N/A as the style, and that will instead be blank
Added a request to chat button, which will allow you to easily put your crafting request into chat. Once you've done so, the other user can also right click the links to add it to the queue!

Version 2.5.0:

API Bump
Fixed a bug with mailing requirements to other players
Added a tooltip to the dropdowns!
- When you mouse over an option, it will show an item tooltip with that option applied

Version 2.4.0:

MAJOR FEATURE: Added a button to the mail that allows you to add item links in the mail to the queue!
Added an option to item link context menus that adds the item link to the queue
Code revamp for sending mails
Changed the Send Request in Mail button so that it isn't hidden, as well as fixed various bugs it had.
Changed weights to use the existing ZOS constants ARMORTYPE_HEAVY
Fixed a bug where the style would be hidden for non jewelry items, if a jewelry item had previously been in the queue
- Includes code based on a portion of Enchanted Quality

Version 2.3.4:

Fixed a bug where items with enchantments had their craft costs duplicated
Fixed a bug where items wouldn't update improvement costs when created, not at final quality, and non white
Fixed a bug where white items would not show the new in progress tooltip and texture when the equipment had been created

Version 2.3.3:

Fixed an issue where favourites were selecting the opposite CP value from what they were supposed to
Related LLC update which removes some extra debug statements is also being released

Version 2.3.2:

Fixed a bug where the 'Craft' button was not showing at Enchanting stations when non automatic crafting is not being used
Fixed some bugs in how required materials were calculated, specifically concerning items in progress with enchanting or non white items
When items are in progress, there is now a different texture for the x button to remove it from the queue. It also adds a tooltip that notifies the user that it is in progress, and some items have already been created.

Version 2.3.1:

Fixed minor bug where clicking a queue item would put the item link in your chat

Version 2.3.0:

Added item links!!
- If you mouse over an item in the queue, it will show you the link that will be created
- If you click an item in the queue, it will add that item link to the chat input
Favourites window is now longer
Will now be unable to type non numbers in the multiplier and lvl boxes
Related LibLazyCrafting release fixes the issue with New Moon Acolyte jewelry (and is required for item links)

Version 2.2.1:

Fixed a bug where favourites was not properly saving the champion point toggle

Version 2.2.0:

Favourites works now! You can add favourites using the + button on the new favourites window.
- A default name will be given. Click the edit icon to change it
- Click the text to load the set
- Note that if you did not have any gear buttons selected when you saved the favourite, they will not be changed
- However, if you did have some selected, then it will be matched
- Click the X button to remove the favourite
Fixed the issue where the delete request from queue button was difficult to select

Version 2.1.4:

API Bump
- Note that the API bump is all that has been changed

Version 2.1.3:

API Bump
LLC Minimum version check
Fixed an issue where attempting to add a lvl 45 glyph to a piece of equipment would cause an error
Relevant LLC fix: Fixed an issue where, if creating two or more glyph gear combo items, it would make n-1 extra glyphs
Note: The above fix should fix the double glyph issue many people were having

Version 2.1.2:

Fixed default selections not being properly selected

Version 2.1.1:

The No Enchantment option will now be automatically selected if no enchantment options have ever been selected.

Version 2.1.0:

Enchanting has been added! Note that the new version of LibLazyCrafting must be installed as well!
- You can select an enchantment separately for Armour, Weapons or Jewelry
- You can select a distinct quality level for the enchantment
- Once you have added it to the queue, you will need to visit both the relevant crafting station, and an enchanting station. When both items are crafted, the glyph will be automatically applied to the new piece of gear. Crashing or logging out partway through will likely cause issues. This might be fixed in a future version.

Version 2.0.15:

Bows will now be crafted again
Removed the mimic stone icon from jewelry items in the queue

Version 2.0.14:

Fixed the armour weight toggle button Lua error on click

Version 2.0.13:

Added a second Ring button, for easier crafting
Fixed an error that would appear when adding an item with no set
Sets are again listed alphabetically

Version 2.0.12:

API Bump
The colour of the labels in the crafting queue now represents the quality, instead of whether it is slated to be created by a mimic stone
- Instead, items to be made by mimic stones will now have a mimic stone icon
- Both the quality and that it will be made by a mimic stone will still be in the tooltip
- This change was made so that in the future, if it is added, there will be room for enchantments in the crafting queue.
Fixed minor bug where the subjects of the mailed requirements were mis-numbered
Increased window size in preparation for adding the ability to also choose an enchantment, a lot of other preliminary work for that, including in the backend.
Fixed a bug where, if you had auto craft turned off, crafted an item, then went to another station, the addon would craft all other items too
Added Elsweyr sets


Added fix for the crafting bug introduced by ZOS in the Monday Patch

Version 2.0.11:

Changelog to come later when I have the time.

Version 2.0.10:

Fixed a typo causing lua errors

Version 2.0.9:

API Bump
Added API checking code
Fixed a bug where an error would be thrown if very few items requirements were tried to be sent in Mail
Now properly checks TTC prices if MM is not installed
Added a refresh button to the materials list

Version 2.0.8:

Fixed a bug where items would not be improved when auto craft was not selected.

Version 2.0.7:

Fixed a bug where you would be unable to send mails of material requirements.

Version 2.0.6:

Fixed a bug where Jewelry would use two green improvement mats instead of one. This only affected green quality.

Version 2.0.5:

API Bump
Library updates
Some more mail update stuff
Added TTC prices. Will only be used if there is no MM price
There is a hole between the Mail requirements and the userID editbox. This is intentional. The mail request button will be there, it's just hidden for now as the functionality does not wor
Removed the feedback.xml and feedback.lua files and ported over to the LibFeedback format

Version 2.0.4:

Fixed a bug where Healthy and Robust traits were switched

Version 2.0.3:

Added a total cost counter
Fixed a bug where items from saved variables would not be crafted after a reloadui

Version 2.0.2:

Toggle text in English in settings menu will be clearer
Typing a name in the UserID box will no longer cause errors
The UserID box will show the auto complete box
Attempting to send mats in a mail will no longer cause errors


The Multiplier box will now save its text, and won't put that text into the level box.

Version 2.0.1:

Fixed a bug where many armour items would not be crafted properly
The craft button now starts as hidden correctly
The multiplier now has a minimum of 1, and if you do a decimal number it will use the floor of it.

Version 2.0.0: Major Update!

Support for Jewelry Crafting!
Added an Auto Craft toggle button. Defaults to ON. If ON the addon will behave in the same way it previously did. If OFF, the addon will not automatically craft items when you interact with a station. Instead, a button will appear which will have the addon begin to craft when pressed. If you exit the station, the addon will stop crafting and will not continue crafting until you reenter.
Added a Mimic Stone toggle. Defaults to OFF. If ON, any items added to the queue will use a Crown Stone. WARNING: If you turn the toggle off, they will still continue to use a Crown Stone! If an item requires a Crown Stone, the text in the queue will be yellow, and mousing over it will bring up a tooltip notifying you that it will use a Mimic Stone.
These toggle buttons can be found in the top left of the window.
The Set Crafter window is now resizeable!! There may be some minor graphical bugs associated with this new feature. A ton of stuff was reanchored and changed to accommodate this new feature. (You owe me Mana!)
The window will remember its last size.
The toggle button will now remember where you last put it.
Removed Universal from the style list.
Rewrote the Pattern buttons and the AddToQueue functions to make them more streamlined.
Added a Multicraft feature! If you type a number in the multipler box, it will add that many copies of the item to the queue when you click Add To Queue!
Pattern Buttons have been moved around, and are now more centered
Fixed a bug where some dropdowns were not interactable in the spaces over other dropdowns
Numbers in mat requirements over 1k are now shortened
Dropdown sizes changed according to the length of text within them
Feedback window changed to match Writ Crafter feedback window. It also now fully shows up on the EU server. Gold sent on EU will be passed along to other addon authors.
A large amount of French and German translations have been added. Most strings, if not all of them, should be translated. If you come across any which are not, let me know.
Fixed a minor bug in the toggles.lua file, where toggles starting in the OFF setting would have the wrong MouseOver texture
The divider between the input and Material Requirements is now a bar
Oh, and API Bump

Version 1.1.12:

Redid how the addon compiles Material Requirements. This will fix a bug which occurred when adding non white quality items to the queue.
Added divider.lua and 100023 to the .txt file.

Version 1.1.11:

Added a toggle button for the UI. You can go into the settigns menu to have the button show up all the time, but it will always show up when you are at a crafting station.
Removed an empty table in the language files.
Some more German translations
Missing strings in the language files will no longer cause a lua error

Version 1.1.10:

Settings have been wiped. In return, there is now a simple saved variables profiling. By default, all settings are account wide, however you can choose any number of characters to have a character specific saved variable profile. Some settings are always account wide.
Some backend work for Jewelry support was done
Added an option to not close the UI when you exit a crafting window
(Second upload): Added placeholder strings for non English languages in the settings menu

Version 1.1.9:

The materials list will now have a red background when you do not have enough mats, rather than a tooltip. Instead, there will now be a tooltip showing the item.

Version 1.1.8:

Fixed a bug where shields were requiring a weapon trait to be selected - they were still being crafted with the correct armour trait though.

Version 1.1.7:

API Bump.
Added the ability to mail crafting requirements to players.

Version 1.1.6:

Added output to show the current total of mats, as well as red highlighting if the user does not have enough. Also shows a tooltip when hovering over it with the mouse.
Added a to-Chat option.
Changed the size of the material scroll list slightly to accommodate new buttons, and set mouseEnabled=false.
Modified the getItemLinkFromItemId to remove the text added onto the end. (A bug, in a sense, because it is not expected)
Removed some unneeded comments.
Removed the debugFunctions call - with the saved choices it is not really required anymore.

Version 1.1.5:

Added a valid level prompt, which will notify you if an invalid level is selected.
LLC update - should increase accuracy as well as backwards compatibility.

Version 1.1.4:

Added saving of the last selected options. Does not save the patterns, only attributes. Toggleable in the settings menu.

Version 1.1.3:

Fixed a bug where the materials for medium armour would say they needed light armour materials.
Fixed a bug where adding multiple items at one time to the set crafter while at a station would cause one item to be crafted twice and another not crafted at all.
Addon will now remove the initial crafting mats from the mat list as the white normal item is created, leaving behind the improvement mats.
Quality colours now use the vanilla game colours.

Version 1.1.2:

non CP items will again be crafted.

Version 1.1.1:

Fixed a bug where creating multiple items with green or higher quality would cause some white items to be made too many times.
Fixed a bug where the wrong improvement mat requirements would be given.
Fixed a bug where sometimes the wrong ability would be checked when determining the improvement skill level.
Fixed multiple lua errors.

Version 1.1.0:

Added a Materials Total! Now you can see how much mats it will cost to make items in the queue.
Added an error message if you do not have any pieces selected.
Moved all virtual templates to their own file - there's quite a few now.

Version 1.0.24:

Fixed a bug where clothing items were using incorrect trait knowledge.

Version 1.0.23:

Possibly fixed the double crafting issue.
Added the images back in.

Version 1.0.22:

Updated LLC version numbers.
Added a potential fix to the rare double crafting bug.

Version 1.0.21:

Fixed a bug where adding a new item would cause all other items with the same attribute to also say they cannot be crafted or vice versa. (For example, if you know how to make well fitted pauldrons, but not well fitted chests, and the chests is added second, the addon would state you cannot make both)
Made the order of the queue as displayed consistent
Added per-item style knowledge
Added a new debug feature - when in debug mode, the addon will show the references of items

Version 1.0.20:

Fixed the trait knowledge checking. Trait knowledge should be correctly highlighted both for single traits and sets.
Fixed a bug where the addon would ask you to select an armour trait when only creating weapons.

Version 1.0.19:

Uploaded the wrong file.

Version 1.0.18:

API Bump. I forgot.

Version 1.0.17:

Removed some d() outputs
Updated LLC

Version 1.0.16:

Fixed a bug where the saved vars version would be in the range of a few gigabytes. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if this update will fix it completely, and you may need to manually delete the saved variables (Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/saved variables/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter, or through minion)

Version 1.0.15:

Fixed a Lua error inadvertently introduced with the last version

Version 1.0.14:

Fixed a bug where running Writ Worthy at the same time would prevent crafting the Clockwork City sets
Updated LibLazyCrafting

Version 1.0.13:

Updated the addon to include the Clockwork City Craftable sets

Version 1.0.12:

Minor changes to LibLazyCrafting. See the library page for more info
Added comments to the manifest file, giving a quick overview of the function of each file

Version 1.0.11:

Fixed a rare LUA error that could appear when used in conjunction with Writ Worthy

Version 1.0.10:

Removed some debug messages

Version 1.0.9:

API Bump
Fixed the Lua error on login.

Version 1.0.8:

Attributes of an item that prevent crafting will be coloured red. Let me know if there's any issues with this
Crafting Queue label no longer moves if you add items to it... I don't know about you, but this was bugging me
For other addons hooking into it: The queue structure was changed

Version 1.0.7:

Fixed some minor errors in LibLazyCrafting
Addon will now craft immediately if you add an item at a station. This change was not listed originally
Added Russian Localization

Version 1.0.6:

The window will now remember where it last was
Added a settings menu
Added an option in the settings menu to stop the window opening automatically at crafting stations

Version 1.0.5:

Removed a d() left in

Version 1.0.4:

Added a feedback button
Added a counter for the queue, so you know how many items are in it
The Bandits stole Primal Kyogre and Groudon so that it could be in the list. They have been punished. (Primal style was added back in, and Bandit style was removed)

Version 1.0.3:

Fixed a bug that prevented the addon from making non set items.

Version 1.0.2:
Removed an extraneous d()
Updated the German localization slightly
Removed some versions of the slash command to open it, to reduce clutter

Version 1.0.1:

Fixed a bug where shields were using Weapon traits instead of Armour traits. This resulted in the addon not crafting, unless No Trait was selected, as well as the addon requiring you to select a weapon trait.

Version 1:

Made the Style and Set dropdowns scrollable
Added an error message when the user does not select all attributes. You can neglect to select a weapon trait if no weapons are requested, and the same for armour.
Added buttons to clear the queue, as well as reset all choices to the default
Added German and French localizations
Styles should now always be correctly coloured
Epic colour changed
Some styles and Set names have acquired shorter versions, mainly for English. If you have an issue with any on German or French, let me know, with a short version and I will likely add it in.
Added a Keybind
Combobox options are now added using zo_strformat, so you will no longer see ^M or something similar on other languages

--- Beta Versions ---

Version 0.1.8:

Sets are now sorted Alphabetically
Styles that you do not know are greyed out in the queue. You can still select it for an item, though it won't be crafted. If you change to a toon that does know it, it will no longer be greyed out, and vice verse.
Items in the queue will now no longer run into each other. Some sets and styles have received shortened names.
Added colours to Quality
Changed the layout a little bit again. The queue is also now part of the main window, instead of being a seperate window.
Removed Styles that are not in the game from the dropdown box (Dropup? Does it count as a dropdown box if it fills the whole screen?)

Version 0.1.7:

Wooden Weapons should now craft properly.

Version 0.1.6:

Added Morrowind Sets
API Bump
Window will no longer show up at Enchanting, Provisioning and Alchemy Stations

Version 0.1.5:

Order of the combobox options is overall improved
Styles will now be greyed out if they are not known - let me know if it's greyed out enough or if it needs to be clearer
Changed the layout veeeery slightly
Added a CP label that shows up when CP is selected

Version 0.1.4:

Items in queue will now be saved

Version 0.1.3:

Moved the Level Input
Made the window slightly smaller
The window will now always open when you go to a crafting station, rather than closing if it was already open
Added Outlaw style
German, French, and JP style names should be correct now

Version 0.1.2:

Fixed a bug where the adodn would craft items one level higher

Version 0.1.1:

Added images in
Minor text change
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Unread 05/28/17, 10:24 AM  

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Originally Posted by Dolgubon
Originally Posted by m0j0r1s1ng
is the project available on GitHub or something like that where you could take contributions for some of these features? Some of us have coding skills that could be brought to bear on some of the pending features.
Sure, I put up a github here:
If you can get some of the features done that would be greeat.
I can't guarantee however that I will include changes. A good portion of them though are relatively simple changes.
Thanks man... I wish more ESOUI projects were on GitHub. I really think we are missing an opportunity here as many software professionals are also gamers and the GitHub workflow is the de facto standard for developing open source software.

I added my suggestions as issues (issues != bugs, they can be enhancement requests too) so that we can track them. I will take a look at the code and see if there is anything I can do to address my own suggestions. If so, I will submit a PR. It's up to you whether you merge PRs, I get that
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Unread 05/27/17, 06:48 PM  
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Originally Posted by m0j0r1s1ng
is the project available on GitHub or something like that where you could take contributions for some of these features? Some of us have coding skills that could be brought to bear on some of the pending features.
Sure, I put up a github here:
If you can get some of the features done that would be greeat.
I can't guarantee however that I will include changes. A good portion of them though are relatively simple changes.

Originally Posted by dsol
awesome addon !!
thanks for your hard work..

2 things:

could you make the window to remmber the position it was last time ? even if i move it to the side it still get back to the same spot every time i re-open it

and something a bit different
now with master writ
could you make like a "add to set crafter list" when we press right click on a master writ ?
we can only have 1 master writ active at a time, but you can pre-craft the item and just bulk return the quests
so that could be very usefull.. i use it now but manualy add al the writs i want to craft

I'll try to add the window stuff in. For the Master Writs, this is not an addon that deals with writs, so it will not be a feature I'm adding to this addon... but stay tuned and watch the Writ Crafter.
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Unread 05/27/17, 02:09 PM  

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awesome addon !!
thanks for your hard work..

2 things:

could you make the window to remmber the position it was last time ? even if i move it to the side it still get back to the same spot every time i re-open it

and something a bit different
now with master writ
could you make like a "add to set crafter list" when we press right click on a master writ ?
we can only have 1 master writ active at a time, but you can pre-craft the item and just bulk return the quests
so that could be very usefull.. i use it now but manualy add al the writs i want to craft
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Unread 05/27/17, 10:16 AM  

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At first I actually did not think I woul dbe able to add craft failure reasons, because of how the queue is done, but on further reflection I believe that I can do that. I can probably also add a craft button. Please be patient though, as there are quite a few features that I am working on adding, in addition to the major features listed on the addon main page.
is the project available on GitHub or something like that where you could take contributions for some of these features? Some of us have coding skills that could be brought to bear on some of the pending features.
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Unread 05/27/17, 06:01 AM  
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Originally Posted by Eshja
I'm totally in love in this addon, now even my friend constantly asking about training gear can't annoy me!
If there is a thing I could suggest, it would be good to be able to use mimic stones if you don't have mats after you agree on this. But I see you have a lot of plans on this add-on so it's not so important.
Thank you again for this add-on, it's so good and so professional!
I'm unfortunately also unable to think of a good way to implement an option to use mimic stones. So, not sure if I will do that.
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Unread 05/27/17, 05:13 AM  

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Great work, Dolgubon! Thank you for this!
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Unread 05/27/17, 04:18 AM  
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I'm totally in love in this addon, now even my friend constantly asking about training gear can't annoy me!
If there is a thing I could suggest, it would be good to be able to use mimic stones if you don't have mats after you agree on this. But I see you have a lot of plans on this add-on so it's not so important.
Thank you again for this add-on, it's so good and so professional!
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Unread 05/26/17, 07:50 PM  
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Originally Posted by Tonyleila
Hey Dolgubon, looks like this addon too is searching for items on your BAG_BANK. We just found out that the new doubled ESO+ bank space is called BAG_SUBSCRIBER_BANK, make shure to add this else items in that part of the bank won't show up! Thank you.

I don't think it does actually check bank or inventory at all. I do have references to BAG_BANK, however I'm reasonably sure they are never actually called. If there is one that is used, please let me know.

Originally Posted by m0j0r1s1ng
LOVE this addon!! Great for adding stuff to a queue when people want level 1 stuff for research, as well as other crafting requests.

I agree there needs to be an option to not have it show up automatically in crafting windows... but it looks like you are on that already.

My main suggestions relate to feedback of the addon:
  • why does it fail to craft something in the queue? I have had failures due to not knowing a trait, not having mats, etc. but I don't know why. There must be some part of the code that determines it can't craft something... on failure could it write out something to chat?
  • While I like the simplicity of just crafting when I enter a crafting window, I would love to have a "craft" button like writ crafter does at least as an option to auto-crafting. I may want to reconfirm my queue contents, especially when crafting high end stuff with expensive mats.
anyway, thanks for this great start to what is going to be a great addon, like your writ crafter!
At first I actually did not think I woul dbe able to add craft failure reasons, because of how the queue is done, but on further reflection I believe that I can do that. I can probably also add a craft button. Please be patient though, as there are quite a few features that I am working on adding, in addition to the major features listed on the addon main page.
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Unread 05/26/17, 01:38 PM  

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LOVE this addon!! Great for adding stuff to a queue when people want level 1 stuff for research, as well as other crafting requests.

I agree there needs to be an option to not have it show up automatically in crafting windows... but it looks like you are on that already.

My main suggestions relate to feedback of the addon:
  • why does it fail to craft something in the queue? I have had failures due to not knowing a trait, not having mats, etc. but I don't know why. There must be some part of the code that determines it can't craft something... on failure could it write out something to chat?
  • While I like the simplicity of just crafting when I enter a crafting window, I would love to have a "craft" button like writ crafter does at least as an option to auto-crafting. I may want to reconfirm my queue contents, especially when crafting high end stuff with expensive mats.

anyway, thanks for this great start to what is going to be a great addon, like your writ crafter!
Last edited by m0j0r1s1ng : 05/26/17 at 02:04 PM.
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Unread 05/26/17, 09:15 AM  
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Hey Dolgubon, looks like this addon too is searching for items on your BAG_BANK. We just found out that the new doubled ESO+ bank space is called BAG_SUBSCRIBER_BANK, make shure to add this else items in that part of the bank won't show up! Thank you.
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Unread 05/26/17, 05:16 AM  
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Originally Posted by [Daniel
Originally Posted by Dolgubon
I will be adding some options in the settings menu.
I am looking forward to the options menu, and hoping that the settings will include an option that will let me control which character's have it "active". Currently every character (even my non-crafters) sees the add-on window pop up (in a not-so-ideal fixed location) when I visit any crafting station... I'm starting to see the potential for "popup fatigue" without being able to control its launching.

Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the add-on having 2 interfaces/workflows? One interface we call up on demand when we want to setup/edit our crafting list (the current form)... the other a tighter more compact/minimalist window that shows us what we are crafting (i.e. have queued) at the craft-station we are at (maybe even re-use/recycle/integrate the writ crafter UI for this purpose). If you like the integration idea, perhaps the Lazy Writ Crafting window could first deal with the writs like it natively does, then (prior to exiting) refresh its UI (or replace itself with a call to load the Set Crafting UI variant) with the list of items in the Set Crafting queue as they are being made.

I do appreciate the creation of this addon, something very needed. Many thanks to my OTG guild member for cluing me in to this Add-ons creation!

My wife and I were a bit lost trying to use the native UI choices ZOS made... addons have this game much greater than it was on its own for us. Lazy Writ Crafter had a very noticeable and welcome change to our ESO experience, and looking forward to this add-on finding it's way into our hearts as we unlock more tiers to make the craft-able sets.
The options menu will definitely have an option to prevent it from showing up at a crafting station. As for a second UI that would only show up at a crafting station, this is not really something I want to do. It would really be largely redundant, as there is already the queue list in the main UI.
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Unread 05/26/17, 04:06 AM  

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Originally Posted by Dolgubon
I will be adding some options in the settings menu.
I am looking forward to the options menu, and hoping that the settings will include an option that will let me control which character's have it "active". Currently every character (even my non-crafters) sees the add-on window pop up (in a not-so-ideal fixed location) when I visit any crafting station... I'm starting to see the potential for "popup fatigue" without being able to control its launching.

Out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the add-on having 2 interfaces/workflows? One interface we call up on demand when we want to setup/edit our crafting list (the current form)... the other a tighter more compact/minimalist window that shows us what we are crafting (i.e. have queued) at the craft-station we are at (maybe even re-use/recycle/integrate the writ crafter UI for this purpose). If you like the integration idea, perhaps the Lazy Writ Crafting window could first deal with the writs like it natively does, then (prior to exiting) refresh its UI (or replace itself with a call to load the Set Crafting UI variant) with the list of items in the Set Crafting queue as they are being made.

I do appreciate the creation of this addon, something very needed. Many thanks to my OTG guild member for cluing me in to this Add-ons creation!

My wife and I were a bit lost trying to use the native UI choices ZOS made... addons have this game much greater than it was on its own for us. Lazy Writ Crafter had a very noticeable and welcome change to our ESO experience, and looking forward to this add-on finding it's way into our hearts as we unlock more tiers to make the craft-able sets.
Last edited by [Daniel] : 05/26/17 at 04:22 AM.
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Unread 05/26/17, 03:43 AM  
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Originally Posted by bottleofsyrup
This is such an amazing add-on and is going to be perfect for the various sets I'll be crafting as a result of the patch. However, just updated and now the chat gets filled with a list of every motif style every time I login or reload UI.
Oops. Should be gone now.
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Unread 05/26/17, 03:35 AM  
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This is such an amazing add-on and is going to be perfect for the various sets I'll be crafting as a result of the patch. However, just updated and now the chat gets filled with a list of every motif style every time I login or reload UI.
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Unread 05/26/17, 03:09 AM  
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Originally Posted by BloodEagle
Originally Posted by Dolgubon
Originally Posted by BloodEagle
I do indeed have 1.0.3 but I am relogging all the way from desktop now to see if it fixes it.

Logging to desktop and back sadly did not help the situation.

Also did not work at any of the crafting stations in Daggerfall.
Could you give me more information please? What exactly are you trying to craft? (what are all the traits, style, etc.) Could you also try turning off the Writ Crafter, and see if that fixes it?
So I was crafting:

1x Superior Heavy lvl 26 High Elf Reinforced Chest

5x Superior Medium lvl 26 High Elf Reinforced

1x Superior Light lvl 26 High Elf Reinforced Belt

1x Epic lvl 26 Aldemari Dominion Precise Bow

Also, to give you an update wnt to a set area and all pieces made perfectly.

Tried making a lvl 1 heavy chest copying the same stuff as above with Lazy Writ Creator off and it worked like a charm.

Hope this helps.
Should be fixed now! Thanks for the bug report, and sorry for the delay in fixing it.
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